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What's Blooming at the Los Angeles County

September 2007
Page One

The Los Angeles County Arboretum has what must be one of the finest collections of Eucalyptus trees outside of Australia. Since last November, I have photographed at least fifty-nine species in bloom and am watching another sixty species to catch them in bloom. This does not include those species which simply have no branches low enough to photograph. Along with at least six species of Brachychiton, eight of Grevillea, sixteen of Callistemon, sixteen of Melaleuca, and species in numerous other genera such as Hakea, Banksia, Cassia, Acacia, Leptospermum, Correa, Stenocarpus, Chamelaucium, Westringia, Cupaniopsis, Geijera, Xanthorrhoea, Tristaniopsis, Baeckea, Hymenospermum, Pittosporum, Citriobatus, Dianella, Myoporum, Doryanthes, Graptophyllum, Anigozanthos, Senna, Calothamnus, Pandorea, Macadamia, Flindersia, Castanospermum, Syzygium, Lagunaria, Prostanthera, Lomandra, Cordyline, Casuarina, Brachyscome, Lophostemon, Scaevola, Agonis, Alectryon, Angophora, Syncarpia, Ficus, Pleiogynium, and Eremophila, the Australian section is extraordinarily rich. Anyone wishing to study the flora of Australia without going there would do well to visit the Arboretum. Note: The Arboretum's information sheet on the Australian section says that it comprises 22 acres and includes approximately 250 species of Eucalyptus. I find this pretty hard to believe since it would mean that I have only seen half of the species there, and if there are a hundred more species that I haven't seen, I sure don't know where they are.

Also in September, the Garden for All Seasons was completely torn up and is being redesigned and replanted. It will be interesting to see what is done with it, and al- though I will miss the old garden, I'm sure the new one will be spectacular.

I have found a great resource in the Dave's Garden website. They claim to have some 328,000 members (!) worldwide, and you can post photos and ask about identifications. With so many people seeing the pictures, there is almost bound to be someone who knows what things are, and I have already benefitted from the exten- sive expertise and willingness to help of a lot of people both in this country and other countries. By utilizing this resource I have been able to clear up many of the species on my 'currrently unidentifieds' list. Another such excellent resource is the University of British Columbia Botanical Gardens website which also has viewer forums to which you can post photos and questions. I can't credit by name all the people who have contributed to my site, but I thank them all profusely.

Liriope muscari
Lily-turf, Border grass
Liliaceae (Lily family)
China, Taiwan and Japan
Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'
Lily-turf, Border grass
Liliaceae (Lily family)

Koelreuteria elegans
Sapindaceae (Soapberry family)
Taiwan and Fiji
The Sapindaceae or soapberry family takes its common name from the mildly toxic glycosids with soap-like characteristics contained in the vegetative parts of many its members. The family contains about 2000 species in 150 genera, is distributed everywhere across the world except for the far north and south, and is made up mainly of trees and lianas with some herbaceous plants. Leaves are of various types, usually but not always alternate and often large. The typical in-florescence is a panicle of actinomorphic or zygomorphic flowers, usually small and not showy. Heywood (2007) has put the Aceraceae (maples) and Hippocastanaceae (buckeyes) into this family, which is also related to the citrus fruits, mahoganies and sumacs. Economic products are lychee nuts and rambutans, soaps, valuable timber, and caffeine drinks, and the stems of climbers have been utilized as rope and for fish poison.

Brassolaeliocattleya 'Hemlock Pass'
(B. 'Emerald Meadow' X B. 'Painted Desert'
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Acacia galpinii
Monkey thorn
Fabaceae (Pea family)
Southern Africa

Heteropyxis natalensis
Lavender tree
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
South Africa

Mirabilis jalapa
Marvel of Peru
Nyctaginaceae (Four o'clock family)
Tropical South America

Miltonia clowesii
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Vanda hybrid
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

Eucalyptus conglobata
Kangaroo Is. mallee
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
South Australia
Eucalyptus cometae-vallis
Comet Vale marlock
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Western Australia

Dendrobium 'Bangkok Green' X
'Madame Vipa'
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Polystachya flavescens
(= P. concreta)
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

Eucalyptus forrestiana
Forrest's marlock
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Western Australia
Prosopis caldenia
Fabaceae (Pea family)

Corymbia (=Eucalyptus) calophylla
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Western Australia

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
(S. spectabile X S. telephium)
Autumn joy sedum, Showy stonecrop
Crassulaceae (Stonecrop family)
Hort. (Orig. Eurasia)
Rhodophiala bifida
Oxblood lily
Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis family)
South America

Banksia integrifolia
Coast banksia
Proteaceae (Protea family)
Eastern Australia

Catasetum sp.
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Begonia sempervirens
Wax begonia
Begoniaceae (Begonia family)

Anthurium vittarifolium
Araceae (Arum family)
Phragmipedium sedenii
(P. longifolium X P. schlimii)
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

Theobroma cacao
Sterculiaceae (Cacao family)
South America


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