Wildflowers of
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Huntington Gardens
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Wildflower Photos

What's Blooming at the Los Angeles County

June 2007
Page Eight

Prosopis algarobilla
Agarobo, Algarrobillo
Fabaceae (Pea family)
Argentina, Chile
Angophora subvelutina
Rusty gum
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Eastern Australia

Euclea pseudebenus
Cape ebony
Ebenaceae (Ebony family)
Southern Africa
The Ebenaceae, commonly called the ebony family, contains only two genera, Euclea and Diospyros, both of which are large and together include about 500 species. The family is placed according to the APG II system into order Ericales with the families Ericaceae, Myrsinaceae, Fouquieriaceae,  Polemoniaceae, Primulaceae and about 20 others. It is distributed in the lowland tropics and subtropics, with a few warm-temperate deciduous species, and is comprised mainly of trees and shrubs. The leaves  are  typically alternate, simple and  entire, and  the inflorescences are short and determinate in the leaf axils. Family members generally produce dioecious plants with tubular corollas that have lobes equal to the number of sepals. A persistent, often enlarged calyx on the fruit is a characteristic of this family. The hardwood ebony and the edible persimmon are the two most significant economic products.

Citrus hystrix
Kaffir lime
Rutaceae (Citrus family)
Southeast Asia
Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Dwarf poinciana
Fabaceae (Pea family)
West Indies

Ficus natalensis
Natal fig
Moraceae (Mulberry family)
Tropical and southern Africa
[What appear to be fruits are actually
the flowers enclosed in pods]
Agastache foeniculum
Anise hyssop
Lamiaceae (Mint family)
North Central North America

Vitex agnus-castus
Chaste tree
Verbenaceae (Vervain family)
Southern Europe to Western Asia


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