Wildflowers of
Southern California
Flora of
Wildflowers of
Flora of
South Africa
Aloes of the
Huntington Gardens
Mike's Favorite
Wildflower Photos

What's Blooming at the Los Angeles County

February 2007
Page Three

Forsythia sp.
Oleaceae (Olive family)

Hakea recurva
Proteaceae (Protea family)
Western Australia
Acacia decurrens
Early black wattle
Fabaceae (Pea family)
Southeastern Australia

Scolopia zeyheri
Thorn pear
Salicaceae (Willow family)
South Africa
Callistemon citrinus 'Hannah Ray'
Lemon bottlebrush
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)

Hymenosporum flavum
Pittosporaceae (Pittosporum family)
Eastern Australia

Eremophila maculata 'Red'
No common name recorded
Myoporaceae (Myoporum family)
Hort. (Orig. Australia)
Coelogyne cristata
No common name recorded
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

Acacia spectabilis
Glory wattle, Mudgee wattle
Fabaceae (Pea family)
Eastern Australia
Vicia villosa
Winter vetch
Fabaceae (Pea family)

Pyrostegia venusta
Flame vine, Golden shower
Bignoniaceae (Bignonia family)
South America
The Bignoniaceae is a very widespread family of herbs, shrubs, trees and lianas in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate Old and New Worlds. Commonly called the trumpet vine or trumpet creeper family, it contains about 110 genera and 650 species. It gets its name from genus Bignonia, itself named in honor of Abbé Jean Paul Bignon who was librarian to King Louis XIV, and some of the well-known members of the family are Tabebuia, Tecoma, Catalpa, and Jacaranda. Many species are important ornamentals and have large and spectacular flowers. Leaves are typically opposite or whorled and pinnately or multiply compound. Trees of Tabebuia and Catalpa are important timber sources. The very common landscaping tree Jacaranda includes about 49 species in the Neotropics. The Bignoniaceae is in the order Lamiales with mints, verbenas, olives and figworts.

Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'
Proteaceae (Protea family)
Southern Africa
Abutilon X hybridum
Red Chinese lantern
Malvaceae (Mallow fsamily)

Euphorbia flanaganii
Medusa head
Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family)
South Africa
Prunus X blireiana
(P. cerasifera X P. mume)
Purple-leaf plum
Rosaceae (Rose family)

Alyogyne huegelii
Lilac hibiscus, Blue hibiscus
Malvaceae (Mallow family)
SW Australia
Euphorbia rigida
Gopher plant, Silver spurge
Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family)

Lavandula sp.
Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Mediterranean to India

Eucalyptus sessilis
Fink river mallee
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
North Central Australia
Dioon edule
Mexican fern palm
Zamiaceae (Zamia family)

Gladiolus tristis
Marsh afrikaner
Iridaceae (Iris family)
South Africa
Prunus persica 'Early Red'
Rosaceae (Rose family)

Eucalyptus fasciculosa
Pink gum
Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
SE Australia
Ceratozamia sp.
Zamiaceae (Zamia family)

Acacia microcarpa
Manna wattle
Fabaceae (Pea family)
SE Australia
Grevillea crithmifolia
No common name recorded
Proteaceae (Protea family)


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