Dear Win,
I'm trying to find out whether
stinky galagos are
precocial or altricial. Can you recommend something for
me? By the way, sorry about your father.
R.P. Maudlin-Jones
Most Honorable Maudlin-Jones,
Opinion of 1st son is valueless,
but I so happy to be
recommending Oondóué M. Boué, Precociality
of New-
Born Stinky Galagos, Journal of the African Nocturnal
Primate Society, 27:42-82.
MEMO TO: Win Wing Win.
Keep this to yourself.
I've been having a hard time
going to sleep at night, and I think I need a little light
reading to help me drop off. Maybe something about
mating strategies in marmosets and tamarins. Got any
Arnett Putney, III
Most Highly Venerable Publisher,
I so being grateful to you for
present job. I most
unworthy, but I very recommending Polyester and
Polyestrousness in Callitrichid Primate Social Systems
by Dr. Francois Oppenheimer Muldoon of Harvard
University Primate Behavior Group. It most good good.
Dear Win,
I was in Badongo-Gazimbi recently,
and I'd like to
learn more about their traffic problems, especially as
they relate to primates. Do you know of anything
published in this area?
Eric Scotmeister Fleiglehaus
Respected Senior Colleague,
Apologize most abjectly for
not anything knowing
about Badongo-Gazimbi. Perhaps you look at Driving
Behavior of African Pongids by Sir Sprockett Watley-
Treedle, Encyclopedia of Myrmecophagic Primates,
London, 1912.
Dear Win,
The last time I was at a Chinese
restaurant with your
father, he asked me to take care of you if anything were
to happen to him. Now that he has been accidentally
frozen, you can come and live with my family at my
soapstone-lined mountain hideaway tucked away high
in the Hollywood Hills, but your five brothers will have
to fend for themselves.
Christopher Shaw
Most admired friend,
Thanks thanks but no thanks
thanks. I belong
publisher Arnett Putney, III and executive editor Widen
Lundale, Jr. now.
Dear Win,
How are you going to recommend
good reading for Nooz readers when you don't know anything about
Jerry Archbibble
Most dear Dirctor Archbibble,
Plan to consult ancestors.