Lately I have been enjoying the flowers that are blooming in my yard and in my little gardens, and having heard recently from my good friend Guy Lloyd in Wales, it put me in mind of his lovely garden. So for a nice change of pace I decided today to do a photo gallery on the flowers that I have growing around my house. I don't know what some of them are so some identifications are missing, but anyone who is knowledgeable about garden species is more than welcome to contact me. Hint hint, Jane... |
Osteospermum sp. |
Iris sp. |
Morning glory |
Lantana sp. |
Monarch Danaus plexippus |
Potato bush Solanum sp. |
Strawberry Fragaria x ananassa |
Honeysuckle fuchsia Fuchsia triphylla |
Society garlic Tulbaghia sp. |
Day-lily Hemerocallis sp. |
Rose Rosa sp. |
Rose Rosa sp. |
Agapanthus sp. |
Black-eyed susan Rudbeckia sp. |
Mandevilla sp.
Dianthus sp. |
Salvia sp. |
Gazania sp. |
Lantana sp. |
Dianthus sp. |
Day lily Hemerocallis sp. |
Cigar plant Cuphea sp. |
Lavender Lavandula sp. |
Bougainvillea sp. |
Huernia sp. |
Stapelia sp. |
Oleander Nerium sp. |
African daisy Gerbera sp. |
Clematis sp. |
Blanket flower
Gaillardia sp. |
Hibiscus |
Camellia sp. |
Spider plant Chlorophytum sp. |
Flowerpot parasol Leucoprinus birnbaumii |
Cape honeysuckle Tecoma capensis |
Crab spider |
Clivia miniata |
Strelitzia |
Tulips |