Unidentified Species from East Cape Trip
January 2008

This page displays pictures that I either have no identifications for or only a genus but no species identification. I feel
sure that many of these were seen by others in the group and their identifications noted, or were identified after the trip
was over. If anyone can provide any of these identifications, please contact me at: mmlcharters [at] calflora.net. And
bear in mind that the genus I have recorded may not in fact be correct in all cases. Note to Cameron: You know pretty much what we saw on each day, so you have the best chance of fleshing out some of these identifications.

Some of the questions have now been cleared up thanks to Cameron and Rhoda McMaster and Tony Dold of Rhodes University Botany Department.

Day One January 6 Kaboega

Argyrolobium sp.
Lycium sp.
Solanum hispidum
Pelargonium sp.

Day Two January 7 Waainek

Cephalaria sp.
Othonna sp.
Selago sp.
Oxalis sp.
Sutera sp.

Day Three January 8 Cradock

Blepharis sp. ?
Asparagus sp. ?
Cucumis sp.?
Felicia sp.
Jamesbrittenia sp.
Eriospermum sp.

Day Four January 9 Satan's Nek

Alepidea sp.
Indigofera sp.
Pachycarpus sp.
Convolvulus sp.
Ajuga ophrydis
Schizocarphus nervosus
Drosera sp.
Pelargonium luridum (seeds)

Day Five January 10 Maclear and Naude's Nek

Berkheya purpurea
Erica cooperi
Trifolium burchellianum
Delosperma sp.
? (Orchidaceae)
Striga bilabiata
Gunnera perpensa
Bartsia trixago
Trachyandra sp.
Satyrium sp.
Heliophila rigidiuscula
Helichrysum spiralis

Harpochloa faix
Erica sp.
Erica sp.

Day Six January 11 Tiffindell

Helichrysum sp. ?
Cyperus sp. ?
Bulbine sp.
Bulbine or Hypoxis sp. ?
Argyrolobium sp. ?
Argyrolobium sp.
Hermannia sp.

Day Seven January 12 Naude's Nek

Selago sp.
Dianthus sp.
Satyrium sp.
Dierama pauciflorum
Asphodelus sp. or Trachyandra sp. ?

Day Eight January 13 Balloch

Polygala sp.
Viola sp.
Dierama robustum
Asclepias sp.
Argyrolobium sp.
Sutera sp.

Day Nine January 14 Barkley East

Hermannia coccocarpa

Day Ten January 15 Stutterheim

Eulophia aculeata
Solanum sp.

Day Eleven January 16 Kei Valley

Convolvulus or Ipomoea sp. ?
Cyanotis speciosa
Cyphia sp.

Day Twelve January 17 Croft/Kei Mouth

Crocosmia sp.
Kniphofia linearifolia
Vigna unguiculata
Pachycarpus dealbatus
Jamesbrittenia sp.
Scabiosa sp.
Wahlenbergia sp.
Eriosema sp.
Delosperma sp.

Day Thirteen January 18 Kei Mouth

Hypoxis angustifolia
Berkheya sp. ?
Peperomia sp. ?

Day Fourteen January 19 To Port Elizabeth

Wahlenbergia sp.
Convolvulus sp.
Gazania krebsiana
Cotyledon velutina
Hermannia sp.
Selago sp. ?
Scabiosa sp.
Lobelia sp.
Cyrtanthus parviflorus
Euphorbia sp.
Aptosimum sp. ?
Argyrolobium sp.