Habenar'ia: derived from the Latin habena meaning "the
rein of a horse," referring to the shape of the rein orchid's
spur. The genus Habenaria was published by Carl Ludwig von Willdenow in 1805.
Hackel'ia: named for Josef Hackel (1783-1869), a Catholic clergyman and botanist who collected plants in Bohemia and was a professor of agriculture at the theological seminary in Litoměřice. He was born in Česká Lípa in the Czech Republic and attended school in Boletice nad Labem, a suburb of Děčín, North Bohemia. The later famous botanist Johann Emanuel Pohl also spent his childhood in that same town and the two men became fast friends. He then completed theological studies in Litoměřice, and on August 30, 1806, he was ordained and subsequently joined the village of Vidim in the Kokořín region as a chaplain, where he worked until 1817. He sent data on observed plants to his childhood friend Johann Pohl, who published them in Tentamen florae Bohemiae. Hackel collected plants in the vicinity of Vidimi, Litoměřice, Lovosice, Doksan, Česká Lípa, Jestřebí, Zákup and Velenice near Zákup, Úštěk, Mělník, also near Liběchov and elsewhere. One of his important contribution to the history of botany was the discovery of a hybrid of the species Pulsatilla patens and Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. bohemica in Litoměřice, which was named in his honor Hackel's horsetail (Pulsatilla×hackelii). Among his other important finds from the territory of Bohemia were the oxtongue broomrape (Orobanche picridis), the brown sedge (Rhynchospora fusca), the variegated pea (Lathyrus heterophyllus), the tufted sedge (Carex cespitosa) and the small sedge (Carex supina). In 1843 he published the article Pflanzenverzeichnis und Charakteristik der Flora des Leitmeritzer Kreises in Böhmen. The genus Hackelia was published by Philipp (Filip) Maximilian Opiz in 1839 and is called stickseed.
hackel'ii: named for Eduard Hackel (1850-1926), a Bohemian botanist, agrostologist and explorer born in Haida (now
Nový Bor), Czech Republic. His father was a veterinarian and he was married and had one son. Wikipedia has this to say: “Hackel studied at the Polytechnical Institute in Vienna, and became a substitute teacher at a high school in St. Pölten in 1869. He became a full professor of natural history there upon obtaining his teaching certificate in 1871 and remained in this position until his retirement in 1900. He published his first agrostology papers on grasses in 1871 and soon became known as a world expert agrostologist on the grass family (Poaceae). While he himself undertook |
only a single collecting trip, to Spain and Portugal, he was charged with working up collections of grasses mainly from Japan, Taiwan, New Guinea, Brazil and Argentina. Apart from agrostology systematics, Hackel also contributed to the morphology and histology of members of the grass family.” He was the author of The True Grasses published in 1890.
haematocar'pa: having blood-red fruits, from the Greek haima,
"blood," and karpos, "fruit."
haematochi'ton: derived from the Greek
for "blood" and "coat or tunic," referring to
the color of the skin of the bulb.
haenkea'nus/haenk'ei: named for Thaddaeus Xaverius Peregrinus Hänke (Haenke) (1761-1817), a Czech botanist and author of Descripción del Reyno de Chile (Description of the Kingdom of Chile). He was born in the village of Kreibitz, Bohemia (now Chřibská, Czech Republic) to a father who was a successful lawyer, judge and farmer. Wikipedia says: “A keen observer of nature from childhood, Haenke pursued this interest throughout his education. He studied natural science and philosophy at the University of Prague where his mentor was Joseph Gottfried Mikan, the resident professor of botany. He served as an assistant to Mikan, helping care for the school's botanic gardens. Haenke received a doctorate in 1782, continued to study in Prague until 1786 and then became a student at the University of Vienna where he studied medicine and botany under Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin. While still a student, Haenke made extensive botanical collections from what is now the Czech Republic; wrote a treatise on the botany of the Giant Mountains; edited an edition of Linnaeus' Genera Plantarum (published in 1791); and was awarded a silver medal from the Royal Czech Scientific Society. He was also an accomplished musician, a capable illustrator, and spoke five languages. By 1789 Haenke was a prominent young scholar whose name was put forward by Jacquin and Ignaz von Born when Spain was recruiting a scientific corps for the Malaspina expedition, and he became ‘Naturalist-Botánico de Su Magestad’ for the expedition.” He first missed the sailing and took passage on another ship which was shipwrecked off the coast of Montevideo, forcing Hänke to swim to shore with only his letter of credentials from the King of Spain and his copy of Genera Plantarum. Again he missed the expedition and was forced to trek overland across the pampas and Andes, during which he collected about 1,400 plants, many new to science, and finally caught up with the expedition in April, 1790. Wikipedia continues: “From there Haenke continued with the expedition for the next three years, collecting plants and recording his observations on botany, zoology, geology, and ethnology. They initially traveled up the west coast of the Americas as far as Alaska, then returned south to Acapulco and crossed the Pacific to explore the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. At each port of call Haenke focused on botany with varying results. In Yakutat Bay, Alaska the plants he collected were disappointingly similar to those in Europe so he focused instead on Indian culture, especially music. In Nootka Sound he made the first scientific collection of plants from Canada. Their brief stay in California enabled Haenke to collect and catalog over 250 species, most notably he was the first scientist to collect the seeds and specimens of the coast redwood. After crossing the Pacific, Haenke collected thousands of plants during their seven-month stay in the Philippines. Further collecting took place in Australia, New Zealand, and Tonga. In the summer of 1793 the expedition returned to Peru where Malaspina received orders to return home by way of Montevideo. Haenke was permitted to leave the ship with an assistant and cross overland to Buenos Aires with the intention of undertaking botanical and other scientific work along the way. Instead of rejoining the fleet again in the fall of 1794 as planned, Haenke became engrossed with the local botany and settled in Cochabamba, Bolivia to continue his scientific studies. For the next quarter-century, Haenke continued his botanical exploration of Bolivia, Peru and Brazil. In 1801 he made one of his most memorable discoveries, the giant water lily, Victoria amazonica, with a six-foot wide lily pad. In addition, Haenke maintained his own botanic garden, owned a silver mine and served as the local physician in his adopted home town, Cochabamba. He is also credited with establishing the manufacture of saltpeter in Chile and helping to start the glass industry there. When Malaspina returned from his voyage he became embroiled in a dispute with Spain's minister, Manuel de Godoy, and was subsequently imprisoned for seven years. As a result, the official expedition report went unpublished for nearly a century, and many of the expedition's reports and findings were never released. Although he had always hoped to return to Europe, Haenke died unexpectedly in 1816 when he was accidentally poisoned by his maid.” Another account of his death is that he was poisoned in prison. His extensive botanical work and far-ranging travel have prompted some to liken him to a "Bohemian Humboldt," named after Alexander von Humboldt, who made himself familiar with some of Haenke's findings before embarking on his journey to the Americas in 1799.
haensel'eri: named for Felix Hänseler (1780-1841), a German botanist and apothecary. He went to Malaga as a soldier in the Swiss regiment commanded by the later famous General D. Teodoro Reding, the architect of the victory in the battle of Bailén in 1808. He was a friend and collaborator of the Swiss botanist Pedro Edmundo Boissier (1810-1885).
Hainar'dia: named for Pierre Hainard (1936- ),
a Swiss geobotanist, phytogeographer, ecologist and professor at the University of Lausanne's department of ecology, and
curator from 1965 to 1981 of the Jardin Botanique at Geneva, created
by the botanist Augustin Pyramus de Candolle. The genus Hainardia was published in 1967 by Werner Rodolfo Greuter.
haldania'num: named for John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (1892-1964), a well-known British-Indian scientist who
worked in physiology, genetics, evolutionary biology, and mathematics. Despite his lack of an academic degree in the field, he taught biology at the University of Cambridge, the Royal Institution, and University College London. Haldane was a professed socialist, Marxist, atheist, and secular humanist whose political dissent led him to leave England in 1956 and live in India, becoming a naturalized Indian citizen in 1961 who worked at the Indian Statistical Institute for the rest of his life. Arthur C. Clarke credited him as "perhaps the most brilliant science popularizer of |
his generation." He was born in Oxford and learned to read at the age of three. At four, after injuring his forehead, he asked the doctor of the bleeding, "Is this oxyhaemoglobin or carboxyhaemoglobin?" At eight he worked with his scientist father in their home laboratory, and a lecture his father took him to on Mendelian genetics sparked an interest which remained his entire life. He began his formal education in 1897 at Oxford Preparatory School and entered Eton in 1905. There is just far too much information about this significant individual to present here, but suffice it to say that he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1932, the French Government conferred on him its National Order of the Legion of Honour in 1937, he received the Darwin Medal from the Royal Society in 1952, he was awarded the Huxley Memorial Medal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain in 1956, he received the Feltrinelli Prize from Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in 1961, he received an honorary doctorate of science, an honorary fellowship at New College, Oxford, and the Kimber Award of the US National Academy of Sciences, and he was awarded the Linnean Society of London's prestigious Darwin–Wallace Medal in 1958. He was the author of an almost unimaginable number of writings on a wide variety of subjects. He was married twice but had no children. Wikipedia adds this: "Inspired by his father, Haldane often used self-experimentation and would expose himself to danger to obtain data. To test the effects of acidification of the blood he drank dilute hydrochloric acid, enclosed himself in an airtight room containing 7% carbon dioxide, and found that it 'gives one a rather violent headache'. One experiment to study elevated levels of oxygen saturation triggered a fit which resulted in him suffering crushed vertebrae. In his decompression chamber experiments, he and his volunteers suffered perforated eardrums. But, as Haldane stated in What is Life, 'the drum generally heals up; and if a hole remains in it, although one is somewhat deaf, one can blow tobacco smoke out of the ear in question, which is a social accomplishment.' Haldane made himself unpopular among his colleagues from the start of his academic career. In Cambridge, he annoyed most of the senior faculty due to his uninhibited behaviour, particularly at dinner. His partisan, Edgar Adrian (the 1932 Nobel laureate), had almost convinced Trinity College to offer him an appointment as a fellow, but that was ruined by an incident when Haldane arrived at the dining table, carrying a gallon jar of urine from his laboratory." He died in India from colorectal cancer. (Photo credit: Smithsonian)
ha'lei: named for Josiah Hale (1791-1856), an American physician and botanist who collected plants in Louisiana. He was born in Frankln County, Virginia, and moved with his family to Harrodsburg, Kentucky, as a teenager. He studied botany and natural history with C.S. Rafinesque at Transylvania College in Lexington, Kentucky, in 1820-1821, and earned a medical degree on March 18, 1822 from that institution. Hale initially set up practice as a physician in Port Gibson, Mississippi, moving on to the town of Alexandria in 1828. Hale wrote a long account of an illness, probably yellow fever, that afflicted residents of Alexandria in 1830. He practiced medicine until 1834, then retired from practice in order to devote his energies to botany. He collected plants during this period but did not produce any written accounts of the Louisiana flora. He did however send considerable shipments to Elias Durand in Philadelphia and to John Torrey and Asa Gray, who referred to him in their Flora of North America as a "zealous botanist, who has favored us with extensive collections and important observations." A financial downturn around 1845 caused him to lose a considerable amount of money and he took a job as a court clerk for four years to rebuild his finances. Returning to medicine, he moved to New Orleans in 1850 and was elected the first president of the Louisiana State Medical Society. In 1853 he co-founded the New Orleans Academy of Sciences. During the yellow fever epidemic of 1853, he tended the sick of Shreveport, Louisiana. He was married and had two daughters. The only botanical publication Hale wrote was “Report on the medical botany of the state of Lousiana” which was published in the New Orleans Medical & Surgical Journal in 1852. He also served as the first president of the New Orleans Academy of Sciences, and was honored with the genus name Halea. He did not confine himself to medicine and botany, but apparently took great interest in snails, with two species, Melania haleiana and Paludina haleiana, named in his honor. He left New Orleans in 1855 to practice medicine in Canton, Mississippi, but after falling ill with heart disease shortly after the move, he returned to New Orleans and died in July 1856.
halepen'se/halepen'sis: of or from Aleppo,
northern Syria.
Halimoden'dron: from the Greek halimos, "seaside, maritime,"
and dendron, "tree," referring to the habitat. The genus Halimodendron was published by Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer in 1825.
halimo'ides: having the form of or resemblance to the genus Halimium, according to SEINet.
Halimolo'bos: from the Greek halimos, "of the sea,"
and lobos, "pod," the name reportedly used because
of this plant's resemblance to Alyssum halimifolium. FNA however defines the name as "Greek halimos, 'of salt,' and lobos,'a rounded protuberance,' alluding to superficial resemblance of fruit indumentum to salt." The genus Halimolobos was published in 1836 by Ignaz Friedrich Tausch.
hallia'na/hallia'num/hall'ii: named for Elihu Hall (1822-1882), "a farmer with a great
interest in botany, who collected 300 of the original specimens and had
a personal collection of 10,000 specimens, the majority of which are
now in the herbarium of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago."
(from the website of the Illinois
State Museum Herbarium Collection). And Al Schneider in his Southwest
Colorado Wildflowers website contributes the following: "Farmer,
sometimes botanist, one of organizers of the Illinois Natural History
Society. He and Jared Patterson Harbour apparently contacted or contracted
with Parry to lead them, accompany them, and/or collect with them
in the Idaho Springs, Colorado area. It was common for multiple sets
of plants to be collected and sold to pay for expenses and finance
more collecting trips. The Hall-Harbour-Parry summer trip of 1862
seems to have had finances as a (the?) key motivation, for Hall wanted
money for a new house and was willing to sell sets of plants quickly
and cheaply after the trip (according to Ewan in Biographical Dictionary...).
Whatever the motivation and details, the collection was described
by Gray and Torrey and they considered it to be quite good, indicating
that Hall and Harbour already knew how to collect or received good
training from someone, probably Parry." ( Agrostis hallii, Betula hallii, Carex halliana, Carex hallii, Carex parryana ssp. hallii, Epilobium helleanum, Lomatium hallii, Mimulus guttatus var. hallii, Montia hallii, Orthotrichum hallii, Phaeoceras hallii, Saxifraga hallii, Viola hallii) ( NOTE: Many of these taxa are no longer recognized and are listed here only to indicate which were named for Elihu Hall and which for Harvey Monroe Hall)
hallia'na/hal'lii: named for Harvey Monroe Hall (1874-1932),
who was born in Illinois, and was an authority on the
Asteraceae of Southern California, a graduate of and professor of botany at the
University of California, and a pioneer in experimental taxonomy.
He was the author in 1902 of A Botanical Survey of San Jacinto
Mountain, and was a collector of plants in the Mt. Pinos region
in 1905 and on Santa Cruz Island in 1908. He was placed in charge
of the University of California Herbarium at Berkeley in 1902, became
an instructor in botany in 1903, and subsequently became an assistant
professor and then an associate professor in 1916. In 1919 he joined
the Carnegie Institution in |
Washington, which established its Division
of Plant Biology on the Stanford Campus, where he also became a professor
of botany. At the same time he became honorary curator of the University
of California Herbarium, a position which lasted until 1932. After
a trip to Europe in 1929 to study natural reserves, he proposed the
creation of "Natural Areas," and specifically the White
Mountains and Harvey Monroe Hall research areas near Yosemite National
Park. There have been references to Harvey Monroe Hall as a one-legged man, and questions have been raised as to how he could have done so much botanizing especially in high, steep, rocky areas such as the San Jacintos with only one leg. Thanks to Tom Chester who began to research this fascinating question, and to Amy Kasameyer, at the University and Jepson Herbaria in Berkeley who found an article by Edmund Jaeger in the Calico Print, July 1953, which revealed the answer. Apparently when Hall was just a boy, he accidentally shot himself in the foot with a shotgun and the wound he sustained resulted in the amputation of his leg above the knee. He was fitted with an artificial leg which allowed him to walk with only a slight limp, and the rest of the story as they say is history. Hall was married to Carlotta Case Hall (1880-1949), a collector of western ferns who was assistant professor of botany at the University of California, Berkeley. She was also a member of the California Academy of Sciences and the taxon Aspidotis carlotta-halliae was named for her. Together they published the highly regarded 1912 field guide A Yosemite Flora. ( Amsinckia hallii, Bromus orcuttianus var. hallii, Camissonia pallida ssp. hallii, Caulanthus hallii, Dudleya hallii, Eriophyllum lanatum var. hallii, Galium hallii, Godentia quadrivulnera var. hallii, Gormania hallii, Grindelia hirsutula var. hallii, Hemizonia halliana, Leptodactlon pungens ssp. hallii, Linanthus floribundus ssp. hallii, Lupinus excubitus ssp. hallii, Madia hallii, Malacothamnus hallii, Monardella macrantha ssp. hallii, Phacelia hallii, Platystemon hallii, Potentilla hallii, Ranunculus orthorhynchus var. hallii, Ribes viscosissimum var. hallii, Rupertia hallii, Spraguea hallii, Tetracoccus hallii, Zauschneria hallii) (NOTE: Many of these taxa are no longer recognized and are listed here only to indicate which were named for Elihu Hall and which for Harvey Monroe Hall)
hall'ii: named for Charles Henry Hall (1820-1895), a prominent Episcopal clergyman in New York, South Carolina, and Washington DC during the second half of the nineteenth century. Hall was a strong Unionist during the Civil War, though the church he served in Washington during this period was divided in its sentiments. He was a leading citizen of Brooklyn, NY, serving as civil service commissioner and park commissioner. He was a close friend of Henry Ward Beecher. Hall generally avoided political matters in the pulpit but did speak on civic and social reforms. The Reverend Charles Henry Hall was rector of the Holy Trinity Church, located at Clinton and Montague Streets in Brooklyn, N.Y., from January 1869 until his death. More than 1,500 manuscript sermons and other writings document Hall's work as a clergyman and are currently in the archives at Western Connecticut State University. (Senecio hallii)
Halliophy'tum: named for Harvey Monroe Hall (1874-1932),
see hallii. The genus Haliophytum was published by Ivan Murray Johnston in 1923.
haloden'dron: from the Greek for "salt tree."
Halo'dule: possibly from an ancient Greek name meaning "under salty
water," and some species of this genus are residents along ocean shores. The genus Halodule was published by Stephan Friedrich Ladislaus Englicher in 1814.
Haloge'ton: from the Greek hals, "sea, salty," and geiton, "a neighbor," from the habitat. The genus Halogeton was published by Carl Anton von Meyer in 1829.
halophi'lum: salt-loving.
Halora'gis: Umberto Quattrocchi says that this name is derived from
the Greek "hals, halos, "salt, sea" and rhax, rhagos "a berry, a grape-berry," referring to the maritime
habitat and to the bunched fruits of some species. The genus Haloragis was published in 1776 by Johann Reinhold Forster and Johann Georg Adam Forster
hama'ta/hama'tus: hooked, from Latin hamatus, "hooked."
hamilton'ii: named for Mt. Hamilton in the Diablo Range east of San Jose,
where Lick Observatory is located. The California taxon which bears this epithet is Leptosyne hamiltonii (formerly Coreopsis hamiltonii).
hammit'tii: named for California botanist Michael Romaine Hammitt (1957-1991).
He was born in Arizona and was a collecting partner with Tim Ross,
Orlando Mistretta, Jason Rick and Steve Boyd. He made his last collection
just two weeks before his death at the age of 34. Steve wrote, "The specific
epithet honors our colleague and esteemed friend, Mike Hammitt,
an enthusiastic Southern California naturalist whose untimely death
cut short a very promising life of discovery."
hammond'ii: named for Edwards Wells Hammond (1835-1900), an American botanist and vice-president of the American Forestry Association, born in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania, one of nine children. He moved to the Pacific coast in 1860. He served in the United States Navy as Coxswain on the ship St. Mary's from Sept. 10, 1862, until Jan. 15, 1866. After the war he enrolled at Willamette University from which he graduated with honors. The 1870 census has him listed as a farmhand near Rock Point, Jackson Co., Oregon. He devoted the remainder of his life to a study of the forests of Oregon, their commercial value and preservation. He died at Wimer, Jackson County, Oregon. (Information from The History of York County, Pennsylvania, Vol. 1, by George Reeser Prowell, 1907)
hamulo'sa: having small hooks.
hancock'ii: named for George Allan Hancock (1876-1965), a businessman, dairyman, horseman, cattle rancher, poul-
try farmer, aviator, oil/gas explorer, banker, manufacturer, marine scientist, explorer, shipping/trucking/packing/railroad magnate, musician, arts patron, philanthropist. He was an influential figure instrumental in the developmental history of Los Angeles and Santa Maria Valley in central California. He inherited 4,400 acres of land from his father, Maj. Henry Hancock, who had purchased the property in 1860. The area comprised the original Mexican land grant called Rancho La Brea ("the tar ranch"). The family owned and operated a refinery there between 1870 and 1890, |
commercially mining and exporting asphalt to local markets. The family became wealthy with the onset of the oil boom in southern California at the turn of the 20th century. Hancock donated 23 acres of this land to Los Angeles County in 1916 to preserve and exhibit the fossils being excavated there. Today that acreage is Hancock Park, encompassing the La Brea Tar Pits and the George C. Page Museum. Hancock was a cellist with the Los Angeles Symphony. He renovated the Santa Maria Valley Railroad with the focus on the preservation of steam-engines. Hancock Memorial Museum (with original furnishings from his parents' residence), Hancock Library (a collection of research books dealing with biology, oceanography and paleontology subjects) and the Allan Hancock Foundation Building on the campus of the University of Southern California are named in his honor. He founded the music school's elite Hancock Ensemble and its classical radio station, KUSC. Santa Maria's Allan Hancock (Junior) College is also named for him. George was born the year that dinosaur bones were being discovered on his father’s land which is now the La Brea Tar Pits. It is on this site of his childhood home that the Los Angeles County Museum of Art now stands. Information from a memorial on his Find-a-Grave website.
handel'lii: named for Heinrich Raphael Eduard von Handel-Mazzetti (1863-1908). Wikipedia says that he was "an Austrian botanist best known for his many publications on the flora of China and botanical explorations of that country. He studied botany at the University of Vienna, obtaining his doctorate in 1907. From 1905 he served as an assistant at the Botanical Institute in Vienna. In 1925 he was appointed curator to the Natural History Museum. His earlier research involved scientific excursions to Switzerland (1906), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1909), followed by an expedition to Mesopotamia and Kurdistan (1910). On behalf of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, he traveled to China in 1914, performing botanical research in the provinces of Yunnan (1914, 1915, 1916), Sichuan (1914), Guizhou (1917), Hunan (1917, 1918), and Kweichow. In China he also undertook cartographic surveys. He returned to Vienna in 1919, and devoted his time and energy to the study of Chinese flora. He was the author of Naturbilder aus Südwest-China: Erlebnisse und Eindrücke eines österreichischen Forschers während des Weltkrieges (1927), later translated into English as 'A botanical pioneer in South West China: experiences and impressions of an Austrian botanist during the First World War.'"
hansen'ii: named for George Hansen (1863-1908). From Willis Lynn Jepson's The Botanical Explorers of California: "The foothill region
of the Sierra Nevada has always been, considering its importance in
relation to plant distribution and to ecology, a neglected region
from the botanical viewpoint. There have been on the whole few resident
botanists in that area, and fewer still whose residence or interest
lasted over a long period. For shorter periods, however, good work
in exploration and in local studies has been done. In the early years
of the nineties the settlers in the foothills of Calaveras County
became familiar with the sight of a man who, on holidays and Sundays,
went through the canyons and over the hillslopes, into the forests
and river bottoms, gathering specimens of native flowers, trees and
shrubs and bestowing them in a long tin box which he carried or frequently
in a kind of wooden press bound by leather straps. This was George
Hansen, a German. The foothill folk sometimes thought his interests
in native things strange or eccentric, but he was well liked by all
of them on account of his ever cheerful disposition and courteous
demeanour. George Hansen was born April 15, 1863 in Hildesheim in
Hanover. He was the grandson of J.G.K. Oberdieck, sometimes called
the father of German pomology [the study of fruit growing]. On account
of his services to the state the Prussian Government granted to Herr
Oberdieck a free college education to such of his grandsons as desired
to work in horticulture. It fell out, in consequence, that the young
Hansen, after completing the work of the gymnasium in his birthplace,
was sent to Potsdam for the course in the Royal College of Pomology.
In 1885 he went to England and took employment with F. Sander &
Company, working at first in the orchid house and later making illustrations
for "Reichenbachia." He left England in 1887 for San Francisco
where he engaged in the nursery business with Hans Plath, one-time
president of the California Floral Society. In 1889 he was appointed
foreman of the University of California Foothill Experiment Station
at Jackson, Amador County, where he remained for about seven years.
During this period he prepared the greater portion of his book on
the orchid hybrids, an enumeration and classification of all hybrids
of orchids published up to 1897 (334 pages, 1895-1897), and drew the
figures used in illustration of the second part of Greene' s West
American Oaks. This illustration work developed his field interest
in the genus Quercus and a little later he called attention
to many of the interesting and remarkable variants of the native species
of oak which he discovered in the region of the Foothill Station.
During his summer vacations he collected the native plants in Amador,
Calaveras and Alpine counties of the Sierra Nevada with zeal and enthusiasm,
and distributed to various of the leading herbaria of the world numbered
sets of 1,500 specimens containing material of some thirty new species
and varieties as published by various botanists of his correspondence.
Several novitiates in this collection were named for him, among them
being Sitanion hanseni J. G. Smith, Poa hanseni Scribner, Trifolium hanseni Greene, Senecio hanseni Greene, Solanum
hanseni Greene, Godetia hanseni Jepson, and Cercospora
hanseni Ellis & Everhardt. A narrative of his botanical trips in the central Sierra region of
Amador, Calaveras and Alpine counties was published by Mr. Hansen
in a little pamphlet entitled "Flora of the Sequoia Region"
(23 pp., 1895), being supplemented by a list of the plants collected
and distributed in his exsiccatae [dried specimens] (pp. 14). Of his
other writings there may be noted "Ceanothus in the Landscape
of the Sierra Nevada" ( Card. & For. 10: 102, 1897);
"Iris Hartwegii Baker" ( Card. & For. 10: 95,
1897); "The Lilies of the Sierra Nevada" ( Erythea,
7:21-23, 1899); "The Reforesting of the Sierra Nevada"
( Sierra Club Bulletin 3: 224-229, 1901); "The Hillside
Farmer and the Forest" ( Sierra Club Bulletin 5: 33-43,
1904). An injury to his spine compelled him to give up charge of the
Foothill Station and he removed to Berkeley in 1896. Here he lived
for twelve years, devoting himself mainly to his garden, beyond the
limits of which in later years he was seldom able to go. He died March
31, 1908. A sympathetic appreciation of his character, written by
his friend Charles Murdock, may be found in the Pacific Unitarian
(16: 180). Gifted with a buoyant and courageous spirit he was enabled
to bear suffering that would have crushed the average man, and he
will be long remembered by his friends for his patience and cheerfulness
under adversity."
Haplopap'pus: derived from the Greek kaploos, meaning "simple"
and pappos, "down or fluff," in reference to the
single pappus ring. The genus Haplopappus was published by Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini in 1828.
harbour'i: named for Jared Patterson Harbour (1831-1917), name usually listed as J.P. Harbour. Not much is known about this person, but the website Southwest Colorado Wildflowers says this: "He was a first cousin of Elihu Hall and the two of them somehow knew or heard about Parry. They either contracted with or accompanied Parry on a collecting expedition in Colorado in the summer of 1862. Asa Gray and John Torrey described and named the collected plants. Gray indicated that Harbour collected the beautiful Penstemon harbourii on the 1862 trip." That same website adds: "In 1862 he [Elihu Hall] and cousin Jared Harbour were led by Charles Parry on a massive collecting expedition in the Idaho Springs, Colorado area. Although Hall's curiosity had made him a collector all his life, the impetus for this Colorado trip seems to have been Hall's need for money to build a new house for his family in Athens, Illinois." The website Biographies of people who have contributed plants to the Putnam Museum Herbarium in Davenport, Iowa, provides a little more information: "J.P. Harbour was born in July, 1831, in Patrick County, Virginia to Abner and Mary Harbour. Jared was one of Abner and Mary's ten children, all of whom were born in Virginia. The family moved west to Illinois between 1837 and 1840. Jared was married twice and had seven children — two with his first wife, Margaret Louise McAdams Harbour (1844-1877) and five with Ann Elizabeth Rannells Harbour (marriage 1881). Jared lived to the age of 86 and perished of pneumonia in December, 1917, in Rosamond, Illinois. According to Fred Delap (compiler, 2017, Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls Database, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, Illinois) and Isham N. Haynie (1867, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, Vol. 1, Baker, Bailhache, & Co., printers, Springfield, Illinois, p. 137 of 694) 'a' Jared P. Harbour from Elkhorn, Illinois, was promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the Illinois Volunteers on March 13, 1865 and was discharged August 14, 1865. Schwegman (Schwegman, John E. 2012, Elihu Hall - Illinois botanist and plant explorer of the western United States, Erigenia 25:3-7) suspected "that Harbour was along to help with the collecting and drying of specimens and that Jared may not have been particularly interested in the botanical goals of the trip." The Find-a-Grave website has a photo of his gravestone with the name Jared P. Harbour, Co. B, 14th Ill. Inf. In addition to the specific epithet harbouri, John Coulter and Joseph Rose in 1888 dedicated the monotypic genus Harbouria to Jared, because the plant (Harbouria trachypleura) was first collected by Harbour and Elihu Hall during the 1862 field trip with Parry. The taxon in California is Senecio harbouri.
hardham'iae: named for Clare Butterworth Hardham (1918-2010), distinguished American botanist and cattle rancher born in Santa Barbara, California, where her family had a nut farm near Templeton. She grew up in Connecticut and received a BA degree from Vassar College in 1939, did graduate work at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and received her MS in botany from U.C. Santa Barbara. In college, she met long-time Paso Robles physician, John F. Hardham. They married, and after World War II moved to California. She made extensive studies of the flora of the Santa Lucia Range, Sierra Madre Range, and other areas of the Central Coast during the 1950s and 60s. She collaborated with James Reveal on Chorizanthe and related genera. She discovered and named several new species in the Monardella genus. Her field work on the central and south coasts and the Santa Lucia Mountains was legendary; she had a number of special plants named for her, including the rare/endangered Pogogyne hardhamiae, Eriogonum butterworthianum and Galium hardhamiae, all of which are found in Monterey County. She is the plant name author of Collinsia antonina which she found near Fort Hunter Liggett.In later years, her other main interest was developing the ranch she inherited from her father to produce top quality polled Hereford cattle. She died at the age of 92 in Paso Robles.
hardin'iae: named for Edith Hardin English (1897-1979), wife of Carl Schurz English, Jr. She was born in Bellingham, Washington, and was a teacher, a photographer, a zoologist, a horticulturist, and a botanical collector and illustrator. She died in Seattle. (see also englishii).
harford'ii: named for William George Willoughby
Harford (1825-1911), a marine taxonomist and botanist whose specimens
augmented the early herbarium collections of the California Academy
of Natural Sciences. He was curator of conchology from 1867
to 1869 and again from 1873 to 1875 at the Academy, later was director
of the Academy's museum 1876-1886 and continued from 1899 to 1906
as an assistant in the museum. He moved with his family from
Rochester, N.Y. to Michigan at an early age. David Hollombe
contributes the following from a biography by Jepson in Madrono,
vol. 2: "While Harford was primarily a conchologist, his
interest in the native plants was strong and continually strengthened
by his association with Dr. [Albert] Kellogg. In 1868 and 1869
these two men distributed large and valuable sets of California and
Oregon plants to various of the important herbaria." He
lived with Dr. Kellogg for over 40 years and named his only son after
him. Harford and Kellogg were the first to collect on Santa
Cruz Island (in 1874) and Santa Rosa Island, thus explaining his name
on the Channel Island tree poppy.
harkness'ii: named for Harvey Wilson Harkness (1821-1901). "Dr.
Harkness was one of many physicians who came to California in 1849
seeking gold. Unlike most of his colleagues, he was successful. He
mined and practiced medicine at Bidwell's Bar on the Feather River
before moving his practice to Sacramento in 1850. He was born in Pelham,
Massachusetts, the youngest of seven children of a poor Scotch farming
family. Five of his siblings died in their youth of tuberculosis.
Dr. Harkness received his medical degree from Pittsfield College after
serving an apprenticeship with Drs. Barrett and Thompson in Northampton,
Massachusetts. Among his patients and friends were Sacramento's notables,
including railroad magnates Leland Stanford, Charles Crocker, Collis
Huntington, and Mark Hopkins. Dr. Harkness was a trustee for the grant
by Governor Stanford to establish Leland Stanford Jr. University.
He probably delivered Leland Stanford, Jr. Dr. Harkness took great
interest in the transcontinental railroad and was present at the laying
of the last rail at Promontory, Utah, May 10, 1869. [In fact it was
he who handed the two golden spikes to Governor Stanford to be placed
in pre-drilled holes] Dr. Harkness was a member of Sacramento's first
Board of Health in 1868, and presented many original scientific papers
before the Society. He was Sacramento's first microscopist. Education,
finance and fungi were of great interest to Dr. Harkness. He was president
of the first Sacramento Board of Education in 1853, and the elementary
school named for him still stands at 2147 54th Avenue. Because of
astute investments in Sacramento commercial real estate, he was able
to retire at age 48 and move to the Pacific Union Club in San Francisco
where he devoted full time to the study of Pacific coast fungi. He
became president of the California Academy of Sciences 1887-1896 which
published his work in its bulletins. He prepared a catalog of 2,000
genera and species of fungi with a colleague, J.P. Moore, which, along
with his collection of 10,000 species, attracted attention throughout
the world. Dr. Harkness' cremated remains were buried in Sacramento's
Historic City Cemetery after a funeral at the Odd Fellow's Cemetery
in San Francisco. His wife, Amelia Griswald Harkness, preceded him
in death in 1854, less than a year after their marriage. He never
remarried. He was survived by a brother and nephew. His estate was
estimated at $150 million." (From a website of the Sierra
Sacramento Valley Medical Society) In 1878 he was the first one
to find truffles in California, although of course native Americans probably knew about them. He became involved in the controversy
over fossilized tracks found at the Nevada State Prison, tracks which
he believed were human, but which turned out to be those of the giant
ground sloth. He first collected a sample of the western gall rust
fungus (Peridermium harknessii) near Colfax, California in
1876. Unfortunately the type specimen was lost during the 1906 San
Francisco earthquake and fire. He also worked on the age of Cinder
Cone at Lassen Volcanic National Park which he believed to be fairly
recent, but it later turned out to have erupted around 1650. Dr. Harkness
was the first superintendent of Sacramento City Schools, and served
from 1854 to 1855. He also appears to have been a newspaper editor
and publisher.
harma'la: presumably named for a city in Syria named Harmala, this
taxon is called Syrian rue among other things. This is also an old
plant name in Arabia.
Harmo'nia: named for Harvey Monroe Hall (1874-1932),
see hallii. The genus Harmonia was published by Bruce Baldwin in 1999.
harmsia'num: named for Hermann August Theodor Harms (1870-1942?), a German taxonomist and botanist who was born and died in Berlin. He worked as a botanist at the Botanical Museum in Berlin and was a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Longtime editor of Adolf Engler's "Das Pflanzenreich,” he was the co-author of Genera siphonogamarum ad systematic Englerianum conscripta and Cucurbitaceae Cucurbiteae-Cucumerinae. He was also the author of several chapters on various plant families in Engler and Karl Anton Prantl's Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, which was a complete revision of plant families down to generic level and often even further and as such formed part of the Engler system of plant taxonomy. In 1938 he revised the pitcher plant genus Nepenthes, dividing it into three subgenera: Anurosperma, Eunepenthes and Mesonepenthes.
harneyen'se: from the Harney Valley, Oregon. Trifolium eriocephalum var. harneyense is listed in the Jepson eflora as an unresolved taxon, and is listed elsewhere as a synonym of Trifolium eriocephalum var. cusickii.
Harpagonel'la: diminutive form of harpago,
meaning a small grappling hook, from the calyx spines. The genus Harpagonella was published by Asa Gray in 1876.
harrisia'num: named for Robert Lee Harris (1873-1958), a lily enthusiast who was the superintendent of the remanufacturing department Mill A, Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia, California. He was born in Del Rio, Ca. and died in Freshwater, Ca., both in Humboldt County. Harris collected the taxon Lilium harrisianum along the Van Duzen River. It along with a number of other varieties were subsequently gathered together under the epithet Lilium pardalinum.
har'risii: named for botanist Stuart Kimball Harris (1906-1969) of Boston University, a member of the staff of Mount Washington Observatory, author of the A.M.C. Field Guide to Mountain Flowers of New England, The Flora of Essex County, Massachusetts, and Plants of the Presidential Range, and co-author of Navajo Indian medical ethnobotany. He was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, and his familiarity with the flora of the White Mountains was considered unrivalled.
harrisonia'na: named for George John Harrison (1894-1981), a senior agronomist and superintendent of the USDA Cotton Field Station in Shafter, California, from 1934-1952. He previously worked with Thomas H. Kearney and Robert H. Peebles at Sacaton Field Station in Atrizona, on breeding cotton and alkali and drought resistant plants.
Hartmaniel'la: named for American botanist and plant systematist Ronald Lee Hartman (1945-2018). He was born
in La Porte, Indiana, and grew up in Warsaw, Illinois, along the Mississippi River, and on the family farm near Akron, Ohio. He was a student at Sterling College, Kansas, for two years then transferred to Western Illinois University, graduating with his bachelor of science degree. He later got a master of science degree in 1971 and earned his PhD in botany in 1976 from the University of Texas, Austin, and his postdoctoral fellowship from Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio. An obituary in the Laramie Boomerang Jul. 8, 2018, includes the following: “Ron spent 38 years as curator of |
Rocky Mountain Herbarium and professor of botany at the University of Wyoming. Botany and his colleagues were always his first love. He has been honored to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Colorado Native Plant Society (2010), the Certificate of Dedication of the Ronald L. Hartman Excellence in Wyoming Botany by the Wyoming Native Plant Society (2015), the Distinguished Service Award from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists (2016) and the Wyoming Biodiversity Science Award (2017) for his lifetime of work. Ron also earned emeritus professor status upon his retirement from the University of Wyoming and continued volunteering his time in the Rocky Mountain Herbarium daily. During his years as a botanist, he authored and co-authored many plant taxonomy publications and contributed several treatments to the Flora of North America volumes, the Intermountain Flora and the Jepson manual, with two genera ( Elaphandra and Hartmaniella) named for him.” He was also a member of the Botanical Society of America, the California Botanical Society, the International Association for Plant Taxonomy, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Late in his life he developed Parkinson’s and was then diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which took his life. The genus Hartmaniella was published by Ming Li Zhang and Richard Kevin Rabeler in 2017. (Photo credit: Laramie Boomerang)
hartman'ii: named for Carl Johan Hartman (1790-1849), a Swedish botanist and physician. He was born in Gävle,
Sweden, to parents Anders Westerberg and Brita Carlsten, but was raised by his mother's stepfather, the glass master J. Hartman. After a few years of apprenticeship for the glassworker, he attended elementary and secondary school in Gävle, where he became interested in botany. He became a student at the University of Uppsala at the age of 21 and took his foster father’s surname. He chose a doctor’s course because that was the only way he could study botany. He was only able to remain there for a brief period, but was introduced to other botanists. In 1813 he made a trip to Jämtland |
in Sweden and to Norway and over the next few years exchanged letters with many of Sweden's plant connoisseurs. He eventually completed his medical studies at Uppsala and in 1820 published the Handbook of Scandinavian flora, which became a sort of botanist’s bible. In 1833 he became a provincial physician in Gävle, where he went to live for the remainder of his life. As a physician he was a skilled diagnostician and had a reputation for professionalism. He also had success as a poetry writer. He conducted botanical excursions in Skåne and in southwest Norway and attended botanical meetings in 1840 and 1844. His health had begun to fail in 1845, and he never recovered. During the work of the final edition of his flora he became very ill, finally deciding to undergo a risky and painful kidney stone operation in the summer of 1849 which shortly resulted in his death. Species named for him include Andreaea hartmanii, Carex hartmanii, and Grimmia hartmanii (which was the taxon in the California flora).
Hartmann'ia: named for Emanuel Friedrich Hartmann (1782/84-1837), a German pharmacist and botanist who concentrated on cryptogams. He was born in Württemburg and died of yellow fever at the age of fifty-three in New Orleans. He had moved to Louisiana in 1833 and collected plants along the Pearl River, sending a large sample to Paris in 1837. The genus Hartmannia in the Onagraceae was published in 1835 by Édouard Spach.
Hartmann'ia: named for Johann Adolf Hartmann (1680-1744) who visited California and was the author of Discussion of the true situation and condition of California (1739) (Source: original publication: Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 5:693, 1836). He apparently grew up in Münster, in 1698-1700 was a novice at the Jesuit College in Trier, taught eloquence and poetry among other things in Emmerich, and traveled a good deal between 1703 and 1713 which may be when he was in California. In 1713 he went to the East Indies as a missionary. In 1715 he converted from the Jesuit order to the Reformed Church in Kassel and the following year was appointed as professor of philosophy and poetry at the Collegium Carolinum in Kassel. Later he became a full professor of history and eloquence of the University of Marburg and dean of the faculty of arts. Other interests he had were Hessian history, sources, genealogy and heraldry, geography and Roman antiquities. He was a professor at Marburg from 1722 until his death in 1744. The genus Hartmannia in the Asteraceae was published by Augustin Pyramus de Candolle in 1836.
hartwegia'num/hartweg'ii: named for Karl Theodor Hartweg (1812-1871), a German botanist and plant and seed
collector for the London Horticultural Society in Columbia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and California. Many of his ancestors had been gardeners and it was natural that he follow in that tradition. He worked at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris then moved to England to work in the UK Horticultural Society’s Chiswick gardens in London. He became an official plant collector and went to the Americas in 1836 on an expedition that lasted seven years. Mexican plants in particular had by his time become a subject of great interest to European horticulturists. Hartweg collected |
hundreds of specimens of plants that were previously unknown and undescribed. The following is from a website entitled Geo-Mexico: The Geography and Dynamics of Modern Mexico: “Hartweg proved to be an especially determined traveler, who covered a vast territory in search of new plants. He collected representative samples and seeds of hundreds and hundreds of species, many of which had not previously been scientifically named or described. Orchids from the Americas were particularly popular in Hartweg’s day. According to Merle Reinkka, the author of A History of the Orchid, Hartweg amassed 'the most variable and comprehensive collection of New World Orchids made by a single individual in the first half of the [19th] century.' Shortly after arriving in Veracruz in 1836, Hartweg met a fellow botanist, Carl Sartorius (1796-1872), of German extraction, who had acquired the nearby hacienda of El Mirador a decade earlier. Sartorius collected plants for the Berlin Botanical Gardens. His hacienda, producing sugar-cane, set in the coastal, tropical lowlands, became the mecca of nineteenth century botanists visiting Mexico. From 1836 to 1839, Hartweg explored Mexico, criss-crossing the country from Veracruz to León, Lagos de Moreno and Aguascalientes before entering the rugged landscapes around the mining town of Bolaños in early October 1837. In his own words, reaching Bolaños had involved 'traveling over a mountain path of which I never saw the like before,' one 'which became daily work by the continual heavy rains.' From Bolaños, Hartweg visited Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí (in February 1838) and Guadalajara, where he did not omit to include a detailed description of tequila making. From Guadalajara, he moved on to Morelia, Angangueo [then an important mining town, now the closest town of any size to the Monarch butterfly reserves], Real del Monte, and Mexico City, from where he sent a large consignment of plant material back to England. Hartweg then headed south to Oaxaca and Chiapas en route to Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru and Jamaica. He arrived back in Europe in 1843. Hartweg visited Mexico again in 1845-46. After arriving in Veracruz in November, 1845, he traversed the country via Mexico City (early December) to Tepic, where he arrived on New Year’s Day 1846, to wait for news of a suitable vessel arriving in the nearby port of San Blas which could take him north to California. In the event he had to wait until May, so he occupied himself in the meantime with numerous botanical explorations in the vicinity, including trips to Ceboruco Volcano. From California, he sent further boxes of specimens back to England, including numerous plants which would subsequently become much prized garden ornamentals. During this trip, he also added several new conifers to the growing list found in Mexico. It is now known that Mexico has more of the world’s 90+ species of pine ( Pinus) than any other country on earth. This has led botanists to suppose that it is the original birthplace of the entire genus. It took several years for the boxes and boxes of material sent back to England by Hartweg to be properly examined, cataloged and described. Many of the samples from his early trip were first described formally by George Bentham in Plantae Hartwegianae, which appeared as a series of publications from 1839 to 1842. Among the exciting discoveries were new species of conifers, such as Pinus hartwegii, Pinus ayacahuite, P. moctezumae, P. patula, Cupressus macrocarpa, and Sequoia sempervirens. Hartweg’s collecting prowess is remembered today in the name given to a spectacular purple-flowering orchid, Hartwegia purpurea, which is native to southern Mexico.” The genus Hartwegia was published in his honor in 1831 by German botanist Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck and there are literally hundreds of taxa which bear his name.
hartwright'ii: named for Samuel Hart Wright (1825-1905), an American farmer, astronomer, botanist, conchologist,
teacher, and almanac editor. Wright was born in Peekskill, New York and his father was a Metho- dist minister. He followed farming until he was twenty-five years old, and as a youth had no particular educational aspirations, learning but little at the district schools, but at the age of 20 he became interested in mathematics and philosophy and began a process of learning that continued throughout his life. In 1849 he made a set of astronomical tables for the four principal latitudes of the United States. In attempting to sell them in the city of New York, he was repulsed and dis- |
heartened until he applied at the Tribune Office, where he sold his manuscript. Ever since that time the Whig and Tribune Almanacs have made use of his calculations. In 1850 he moved to Dundee and assisted Richard Taylor one term as teacher in the Dundee Academy. The next winter he taught a district school at Big Stream. David Young who had long been almost the sole collector for almanacs in this county, died in 1822, and thenceforth Samuel H. Wright took his place, and has done much of the same work for Cuba, Canada, Mexico, the countries of South America, China, Persia and Australia. In 1850 he moved to Dundee and assisted Richard Taylor one term as teacher in the Dundee Academy. The next winter he taught a district school at Big Stream. David Young who had long been almost the sole collector for almanacs in this county, died in 1822, and thenceforth Samuel H. Wright took his place, and has done much of the same work for Cuba, Canada, Mexico, the countries of South America, China, Persia and Australia. In 1854 he began studying medicine and attended a course of lectures in New York and in 1855 received from the Geneva Medical College the degree of doctor of medicine. His wife died later that year leaving him with three children, and he commenced the study of botany in 1856. In three years he had collected a herbarium of over 3,000 specimens, added to which were 1,600 species from Europe, and others from the south and west, gathered by exchange, constitute a collection of nearly 6,000 plants valued at twelve thousand dollars. There followed an extensive correspondence with all the native botanists of the country, and in 1866, Williams College conferred on Dr. Wright the degree of master of arts. In April, 1865, he was drafted, and promptly informed the Provost Marshal he was ready; but as the war soon closed, the conscripts of that draft were not ordered forward. He sold his home in Dundee in 1866, and resided at the home of his father-in-law in Jerusalem. Among his pursuits was that of land surveying. He had an admirable zeal as a student of nature and science, and collected a fine scientific library. He catalogued Hartwrightia and it is named for him. He served as an editor of the Farmers' Almanac. He corresponded with John Torrey in 1870. Wright published a regular column including a mathematics problem. At some point he moved to Jerusalem, New York. He helped produce and was the engraver for The Family Christian Almanac for the United States, for the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 1867, a volume which informed residents of the eastern US of the moon's phases, paths of Mars and Saturn through the night sky, and provided astrological charts of upcoming solar and lunar eclipses. Another source says that he was also a Florida traveler and namer of mussels. He contributed to the science magazine The Nautilus. His son was the malacologist Berlin Hart Wright. Much of this information was taken from an article in the Crooked Lake Review, November 1993.
harwood'ii: named for Robert Daniel Harwood (1899-1984), a student at
Pomona about the.time Philip Munz arrived
there. He was born in Dorset, Vermont, and made his way to California. He received an AB at Pomona in 1920, and a
PhD in entomology from Cornell in 1928. His dissertation was "Ecological study
of forest floor inhabitants." He was assistant in zoology at Pomona
1918-1919 and assistant in botany there 1919-1920. He was later assistant
professor at San Diego State 1928-31, associate professor 1931-1935
and full professor beginning in 1935. He married Gertrude B. Hoar in 1921. He died at Pomona and was buried in Claremont. (From American Men & Women
of Science) |
(Photo credit: Find-a-Grave).
Hassean'thus: see following entry. The genus Hasseanthus was published by Joseph Nelson Rose in 1903.
hassea'nus/has'sei: named for lichenologist Hermann Edward Hasse (1836-1915),
another of the many figures in the
world of botany who were medical
doctors. He came to Milwaukee with his parents at the age of 9 from
Freiburg, Saxony. He attended medical school in St. Louis and graduated at the age of 21, then continued his studies in Europe at the University of Leipzig and then at the University of Wurzburg in Germany, from which he graduated with a degree in medicine. He served as a surgeon in the Union Army during the Civil War and then
later practiced in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Little Rock, Arkansas.
He came to Los Angeles sometime between 1885 and 1887. From 1888 to |
1905 he was chief surgeon at the "Soldier's Home" (the V.A.
in Sawtelle, California), at which time he resigned his position to devote himself to the study of lichens and became curator of the lichen herbarium
of the Sullivant Moss Society in 1913. The
name of the Sullivant Moss Society was changed in 1948 to the American
Bryological Society. Hasse was a noted authority on lichens, and in
1907 made one of the few collecting trips ever made to Cummings Mountain
in Kern County, where he procured material for the type specimen of Fritillaria pinetorum. He published The Lichen Flora of
Southern California in 1913. He discovered many new and undescribed species and left behind a fine library of medical and botanical books and an extensive harbarium. He was also a member of the Southern California Academy of Sciences and the Sierra Club.
hassleria'na: named for Dr. Emile Hassler (1861-1937), a Swiss physician, botanist and author who actively collected plants in Paraguay from 1885 to 1902. His area of specialization was spermatophytes. He emigrated to Paraguay in 1885 where he settled for a number of years and made extensive studies and explorations of the flora there. He published the work Plantae Hasslerianae in the "Bulletin del'Herbier Boissier" at Geneva from 1898 to 1907, and Contribuciones á la flora del Chaco argentino-paraguayo: Primera parte Florula pilcomayensis (1909). He collected over 8,000 plant specimens in Paraguay, some of which accounted for 70% of the large Paraguayan collection held at the Natural History Museum in London around the turn of the century.
hasta'ta: spear-shaped with the basal lobes
facing outward, from Latin hastatus, "armed with a spear."
Hastings'ia: named for Serranus Clinton Hastings (1814-1893), the first chief
justice of the Supreme Court of Calif-
ornia. The following is quoted
from Answers.com:
"Born in Jefferson County, N.Y., he was admitted to the Indiana
bar in 1836 and moved to Iowa soon afterward. He served in the first
Iowa territorial legislature and in 1846 became the first representative
of Iowa in Congress. In 1849 he moved to California and became chief
justice of the state supreme court while the fusion of common law
and Spanish custom was being effected. He established and endowed
Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, now part of the Univ. of
California." Additional information from |
the Biographical Directory
of the United States Congress posted on Infoplease:
"Born in Watertown, Jefferson County, N.Y., November 22, 1813;
completed a preparatory course at Gouverneur Academy and was graduated
from Hamilton College; principal of Norwich Academy in 1834; moved
to Lawrenceburg, Indiana, in 1835; edited the Indiana Signal in
1836; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1837 and commenced practice
in what is now Burlington, Iowa; when Iowa was made a separate territory
served as a member of the territorial council 1838-1846 and was president
of the council one session; upon the admission of Iowa as a state
into the Union was elected as a Democrat to the twenty-ninth Congress
and served from December 28, 1846, to March 3, 1847; was not a candidate
for renomination; chief justice of the supreme court of Iowa in 1848;
resigned in 1849 and moved to Benicia, California; chief justice of the
supreme court of California 1849-1851; attorney general of the state
in 1851; at the end of his term of two years retired to private life;
founded and endowed Hastings College of Law in the University of California
in 1878; engaged in the real estate business; died in San Francisco,
California, February 18, 1893; interment in St. Helena Cemetery, St. Helena,
California." The genus Hastingsia was published by Sereno Watson in 1879.
hatch'eri: named for John Bell Hatcher (1861-1904), an American paleontologist and fossil hunter known as the "king
of collectors." He was born in Cooperstown, Illinois, and when he was young his farmer and schoolteacher father moved the family to Cooper, Iowa, where he was educated both at home and in local schools. He worked as a coal miner to earn money for school and finding ancient fossils became very interested in paleontology. He was at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, and then transferred to Yale University's Sheffield Scientific School in 1882 where he was educated in geology, mineralogy, zoology, and botany, graduating with a bachelor of philosophy degree in |
1884. After graduation he was hired by George Jarvis Brush, the director of the Scientific School, and made excavations for him at the Long Island Rhino Quarry at Long Island, Kansas. He was scrupulously careful in his excavation methods and has been credited with being the first to develop a grid system of numbered squares over a dig site, using the grid map to record the exact locations from where specimens were excavated. He remained in the employ of Brush until 1893, excelling in fossil excavation in the western states, and ultimately signed a contract with Marsh to work as an assistant in geology at the Peabody Museum of Natural History from 1891-1896, a position which gave him freedom to publish on his own collections, but which ended in 1893 due to lack of funding. From 1893 to 1900 he was employed at Princeton University as curator of vertebrate paleontology in the Elizabeth Marsh Museum of Geology and Archaeology. Beginning in 1896 he conducted three expeditions to Patagonia. He perceived that the flora of Patagonia and Australia were very similar, and concluded that the two land masses had once been connected. In 1900 he left Princeton and was hired as curator of paleontology and osteology for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. His most famous find was Triceratops, the first bones of which were not uncovered by him but which he excavated many more individuals of in Wyoming and first identified. Hatcher died in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of typhoid fever.
haussknecht'ii: named for Heinrich Carl (Care) Haussknecht (1838-1903), a German pharmacist and plant collector
for describing numerous species of plants. Wikipedia says: “His botanical explorations took place in Thuringia, Lower Saxony, Greece and the Middle East (the present-day nations of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran). He established a large herbarium in Weimar, which after his death was placed under the supervision of Joseph Friedrich Nicolaus Bornmüller. In 1949 the Herbarium Haussknecht was transferred to the University of Jena. [He] specialized in the study of the genus Epilobium from the botanical family Onagraceae. In 1884 he published a monograph on the genus |
called Monographie der Gattung Epilobium. The botanical genus Haussknechtia was named in his honorr by Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810-1885).” The Herbarium Haussknecht houses among 3.5 million plant specimens thousands of specimens that Haussknecht brought back with him from his journeys in the Ottoman Empire and Persia in the years 1865 and 1866-1869. His travel diaries totalling some 988 pages included information on botany and disciplines such as geology, geography, cartography, zoology, and also regional, social, and cultural studies and histories.
haworth'ii: named for the English entomologist, botanist and carcinologist Adrian Hardy Haworth (1768-1833). He
was the author of Lepidoptera Britannica (1803-1828), the most authoritative work on British butterflies and moths until Henry Tibbats Stainton's A Manual of British Butterflies and Moths in 1857, and named twenty-two new genera of moths. As a young man he was tutored and steered toward a legal career but he had little interest in that subject, and after inheriting the estate of his parents he devoted his full time to the study of natural history. He settled in Little Chelsea, London, in 1792, and met and came under the influence of William Jones, a prosperous wine merchant and |
distinguished painter of butterflies and moths. His research work was aided by his use of the library and herbarium of his friend Sir Joseph Banks and regular visits to Kew Gardens. He was inducted as a fellow of the Linnean Society of London in 1798, and later a fellow of the Horticultural Society. He was involved in the founding of the Royal Entomological Society of London, having earlier been president of its predecessor. He was also a carcinologist specializing in shrimp, and a student of succulents. He was the author of Prodromus Lepidopterorum britannicorum: A concise catalogue of British lepidopterous insects with the times and places of appearance in the winged state, Saxifragëarum enumeratio, and Complete Works on Succulent Plants. The plant genus Haworthia was named for him in 1809 by Henri August Duval. He died during a cholera outbreak.
haydenia'na/hayden'ii: named for geologist Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden (1829-1887).
The following is quoted from
the Virtual
American Biographies website: "...born in Westfield, Massachusetts,
7 September, 1829. He early settled in Ohio, and, after his graduation
at Oberlin in 1850, received his medical degree at the Albany Medical
College in 1853. During the same year he explored the 'Bad Lands'
of Dakota for James Hall, state geologist of New York, and returned
with a large and valuable collection of fossil vertebrates. In 1854
he again went west, spent two years in exploring the basin of the
upper Missouri, and returned with a large number of fossils, part
of which he deposited in the St. Louis |
Academy of Science, and the
remainder in the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. These collections
attracted the attention of the authorities of the Smithsonian Institution,
and he was appointed geologist on the staff of Lieutenant Gouverneur
K. Warren, of the topographical engineers, who was then making a reconnoissance
of the northwest, after which, in May, 1859, he was appointed naturalist
and surgeon to the expedition sent out for the exploration of the
Yellowstone and Missouri rivers under Captain William F. Raynolds.
He continued in this capacity until May, 1862, when he entered the
United States army as assistant surgeon of volunteers, and was assigned
to duty in the Satterlee hospital in Philadelphia, becoming full surgeon
on 19 February, 1863, when he was sent to Beaufort, South Carolina,
as chief medical officer. In February, 1864, he became assistant medical
inspector of the Department of Washington, and in September, 1864,
he was sent to Winchester, Virginia, as chief medical officer of the
Army of the Shenandoah. This office he held until May, 1865, when
he resigned and was given the brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel. He was
appointed professor of mineralogy and geology in 1865 in the University
of Pennsylvania, and held that chair until 1872, when the increased
duties of the survey caused his resignation. During the summer of
1866 he again visited the valley of the upper Missouri for the Philadelphia
Academy of Sciences, and gathered valuable vertebrate fossils. In
1867 congress provided for the geological survey of Nebraska. Dr.
Hayden was directed to perform the work, and continued so occupied
until 1 April, 1869, when it was organized under the title of the
Geological Survey of the Territories of the United States. From 1869
until 1872 Dr. Hayden conducted a series of geological explorations
in Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado, the scope of investigation
including, besides geology, the natural history, climatology, resources,
and ethnology of the region. It was largely in consequence of his
explorations and reports that congress was led to set apart the Yellowstone
National Park as a perpetual reservation. In 1873 geography was added,
and the name of the organization then became the Geological and Geographical
Survey of the Territories. Dr. Hayden continued the direction of this
survey until 1879, when the then existing national surveys were consolidated
into the United States Geological Survey, and Dr. Hayden was made
geologist-in-charge of the Montana division. He held this office until
31 December, 1886, when failing health led to his resignation. Dr.
Hayden is a member of scientific societies both in the United States
and in Europe, and in 1873 was elected to the National Academy of
Sciences. In 1887 the degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by the
University of Pennsylvania. He has written numerous scientific papers, and his government publications have been very numerous. The latter include
annual reports of his work performed from 1867 until 1879; also a series
of 'Miscellaneous Publications' on special subjects written by authorities
in the specialties of which they treat, and a series of quarto volumes
entitled 'Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories.'
" His name was placed on the beautiful central area of Yellowstone known as the Hayden Valley.
haydon'ii: named for Marion David Haydon, Sr. (c.1839-1891), a rancher near Campo
in San Diego County. David Hollombe provides the following quotation
from Charles Russell Orcutt: "I take great pleasure in dedicating
to Mr. Marion D. Haydon, in return for his hospitality and for his
directing my attention to various forage plants whose valuable qualities
had previously been unsuspected." Haydon was born in Missouri
and had lived in Texas. He eventually died from alcohol. He made regular
trips into town to drink in the saloon. At the end of his last visit
he got on his wagon to drive home and fell off. The coroner ruled
that he had died of alcohol poisoning and was dead before he hit the
ground. The taxon in the California flora is Acmispon ( Lotus) haydonii.
hayesia'na: named for Sutton Hayes (1827-1863),
a doctor and naturalist with the El Paso and Fort Yuma Wagon Road Expedition
in 1857-1858. Born in Dutchess County, New York, he apparently studied
medicine in New York City and possibly elsewhere, although it is unclear
when or if he received an MD degree. He studied botany for several
years during a period of living in Paris, France, returning from Havre de Grace on the ship Sam M. Fox in 1853. After leaving the
Wagon Road Expedition, he developed tuberculosis and went to what
is now Colon in Panama, collecting there extensively until his death
in 1863.
Hazar'dia: named for Barclay Hazard (1852-1938),
a California botanist, born in Newport, RI, the youngest child and
only son of Thomas Robinson ("Shepherd Tom") Hazard. From
David Hollombe: The 1880 census shows Barclay at Santa Barbara
with his youngest and, at the time only surviving sister (who died
later that year) and her husband (another interesting character, Edwin
James Dunning, a dentist who had lost his sight 3 years earlier and
eventually became an authority on Shakespeare's poetry). At some point,
Hazard bought the El Capitan ranch west of Santa Barbara. In 1881
he married Alida G. Blake, who became known as the leading female opponent
of women suffrage and as an anti-vice activist. Alida's father, physics
professor Eli Whitney Blake Jr., wrote an account of the birds of
Santa Cruz Island (published in the Auk). And from C.F. Smith's Flora of the Santa Barbara Region: "In the summer of 1885,
Mr. Barclay Hazard, a local resident, visited Santa Cruz Island and
noted a small tree that was unusual to him. He called it to the attention
of Dr. Edward Lee Greene of the University of California who later
named it Lyonothamnus asplenifolius, our Santa Cruz Island
ironwood. In 1886, Greene, apparently excited by this find, came to
Santa Barbara and made collecting trips to Santa Cruz and San Miguel
Islands in July, August, and September. In spite of the late season,
Greene managed to collect many species unknown to science. And for
Hazard's help in insular botany, a shrubby genus was named Hazardia ( Haplopappus)." The genus Hazardia was published by Edward Lee Greene in 1887.
hazel'iae: named for Hazel Jane Barton (Mrs. Leonard Allen Wilson, Mrs. Duane Botts Fleet) (1914-2005). She was born in Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon. The following is quoted from her Find-a-Grave memorial obituary: "Mrs. Fleet spent her first winter in Hells Canyon at Three Creeks at the old Frank Hiltsley Homestead until her family home was built on Johnson Bar. In 1916 the family moved back to the Imnaha River to their ranch at Grouse Creek and then to a ranch at Summit Creek in the fall of 1917. She graduated from the eighth grade at the Park school in 1928. She attended high school in Enterprise and Eugene. After graduation she worked on her parent's ranch at Summit Creek. She became an avid "horse woman," which she pursued until her health failed. She ran race horses locally on Imnaha and Wallowa County Fairs, winning her fair share of races. Mrs. Fleet was princess at the Pendleton Round-Up in 1933. In 1934 she lost her father Ralph Barton and grandfather Mart Hibbs. In 1935 her mother, brother and sister traded ranches with the McGaffee brothers in Hells Canyon where they ran cattle and horses. In 1936 she married Allen Wilson and the couple worked for Pete Wilson and other ranchers in that area. In 1939 Allen and Hazel and infant son Kim returned to Hells Canyon and worked for Lenora Barton until that fall when they moved onto her father's homestead at Battle Creek on the Oregon side of the Snake River. They ran cattle and horses there until they purchased the Hibbs ranch at Granite Creek. She and Mr. Wilson were noted cougar hunters in Hells Canyon and worked part time for the Nez Perce National Forest as packers and fire lookouts at Dry Diggins, Horse Heaven, Heavens Gate, Cold Springs and Hat Point in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. The family worked near Colfax, Washington, one winter, then purchased the old Albert Morgan ranch on the Imnaha where they ran cattle and sheep. Later they returned to the Salmon River country where they worked for the Forest Service at Riggins and Dixie, Idaho. In 1950 she and Mr. Wilson divorced and she took care of her mother at Riggins until they moved to La Grande. She worked for several people there and became a noted quarter horse raiser. In 1989 she was named grand marshal of Hells Canyon Mule Days. She married Duane Fleet and the couple farmed in the Grande Ronde Valley for 24 years until Mr. Fleet's death in 2004." She died the following year. The taxon Leptodactylon hazeliae is a synonum of L. pungens and was called Hazel's prickly phlox.
hearstior'um: named for the Hearst Family Trust, established by
William Randolph Hearst, or more generally for the family of William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951). The Family Trust owns and manages the San Simeon ranch
where both of these taxa, Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. hearstiorum and Ceanothus hearstiorum, were found. -Orum is a suffix given
to a personal name to convert it to a substantival commemorative epithet
when the epithet refers to two or more men or two or more people of
mixed genders, and the 'i' as in -iorum is added to personal names
that end in a consonant.
He'be: named for Hebe, the Goddess of Youth, daughter of Zeus and
Hera, sister of Ares and wife of Hercules after he became a god. She
was the cup-bearer to the gods, pouring them nectar and ambrosia whenever
they were assembled. She was also worshipped as a goddess of pardons
or forgiveness. The name "Hebe" came from Greek word meaning
"youth" or "prime of life." The genus Hebe was published by Philibert Commerson in 1789.
hebecar'pus: fuzzy-fruited. Stearn says with fruit covered in down, from Greek hebe, "youth, down of puberty," and karpos, "fruit."
Hecast'ocleis: from the Greek ekastos,
"each," and kleio, "to shut up," hence
meaning "each enclosed," each flower being in its own involucre.
The genus Hecastocleis was published by Asa Gray in 1882.
heckard'ii: named for Lawrence Ray Heckard (1923-1991) who succeeded
Rimo Bacigalupi as curator of the Jepson Herbarium in 1968. The following
is from a memoriam essay by Susan D'Alcamo, Tsan-Iang Chuang, Lincoln
Constance, James C. Hickman and Paul C. Silva at the University of
California: "Born April 9, 1923, in the small town of Long Beach
on the Washington side of the mouth of the Columbia River, Lawrence
was the youngest of six children of Edwin Heckard and Ruby Phair Heckard,
whose parents were pioneers. Heckard's family and neighbors survived
the Great Depression by living off the bountiful land and sea and
taking advantage of foodstuffs washed ashore from ships wrecked on
the sand bar at the mouth of the Columbia. Larry (as he preferred
to be called as an adult) could bring tears to the eyes of mothers
everywhere by recounting his childhood, mired in the mud of Willapa
Bay as he was harvesting oysters, or milking the family cow in order
to exchange milk for piano lessons. Reciprocally, Larry had an admirable
ability and desire to be a good listener, believing that seemingly
inconsequential events make up the fabric of life. Following high
school, Larry attended Lower Columbia Junior College at Longview,
Washington, where he could live with a married brother (Kenneth).
When another brother (Clifford) moved to Seattle, Larry changed to
the University of Washington. During World War II, Larry served
in the US Army with stateside duty. Freed of financial problems
by the G.I. Bill, he attended Oregon State University with a major
in horticulture. At an early age he had developed a deep respect and
love for nature, especially plants, and had been exposed to the idea
of scientific research by visiting a cranberry grower's research station
near his home. Arriving at Berkeley for graduate work in the summer
of 1948, he soon settled into an arduous research project on the biosystematics
of a taxonomically difficult group of species of the genus Phacelia in the Hydrophyllaceae (waterleaf family) under the guidance of Professor
Lincoln Constance. The P. magellanica group ranges widely over
cordilleran western America from Canada to Tierra del Fuego and had
been the source of some 60 described taxa. Its complicated intercrossing
relationships make a travesty of 'the biological definition of
species.' Heckard's ingenious solution, based on a decade of
morphological and cytological analysis, experimental hybridization,
and extensive field work, was the creation of a 'polyploid pillar
complex,' which has been widely cited as a model and a classic
of biosystematic research. His companion (Paul Silva, with whom
he shared his life for 40 years) having taken a position in the department
of botany at the University of Illinois in 1952, Heckard joined him
in 1954 and continued to write his thesis in absentia. After receiving
the doctorate (1955), he was invited to join the faculty at the University
of Illinois. In addition to teaching courses in taxonomy, he supervised
the laboratory sections of the general botany course, which served
more than a thousand students each year. In 1960 the death of G. Thomas
Robbins, the assistant to Rimo Bacigalupi, curator of the Jepson Herbarium,
provided an opportunity for Heckard to return to California. He and
Silva joined the staffs of the Jepson and University herbaria, respectively.
Heckard became curator of the Jepson Herbarium following Bacigalupi's
retirement. On joining the staff of the Jepson Herbarium, Heckard
shifted the focus of his research to the family Scrophulariaceae (figworts),
which is represented in California by several large genera. He soon
teamed up with another of Constance's former students, T.I. Chuang,
who held a permanent position at Illinois State University but spent
each summer in Berkeley. Together they produced monographs on Cordylanthus (bird's beak), Orthocarpus (owl's clover), and Castilleja (paintbrush). With respect to geography, Heckard was particularly
interested in Snow Mountain, a little-known massif in northwestern
California that turned out to be of special floristic importance.
He was joined in his botanical exploration of this area by James C.
Hickman, a recent addition to the Jepson Herbarium staff. Together
they backpacked extensively on the mountain, studying the plant communities
and collecting specimens, many of which represented species not previously
recorded from the region. The difficulty of trying to identify
these plants by using existing resources emphasized the urgent need
for an up-to-date statewide floristic account. Thus began the monumental
effort to revise Jepson's Manual of the Flowering Plants of California,
which had been published in 1925 and used in high schools and colleges
throughout the state. The project, funded by individuals, private
foundations, and government agencies, grew to include nearly 200 authors,
several botanical artists, and a small administrative staff. Unfortunately,
Heckard did not live to see the revised manual, which was published
by the University of California Press early in 1993 under the editorship
of Hickman, but he was aware that it was to be dedicated to him. He
contributed significantly to the project, drawing upon his vast knowledge
of California and its flora, his excellent relationships with botanists
nationwide, his acute ideas on organization and format, and his financial
resources. His official role was principal consultant and chairman
of the editorial board. Heckard was an officer in several scientific
societies, including the American Society of Plant Taxonomists (secretary
and program chairman, 1961-1966) and the California Botanical Society
(president, 1971), but it was his service with the California Native
Plant Society that was most arduous and satisfying. He thoroughly
enjoyed working and socializing with this diverse group of persons
who are held together by their love for California and its native
plants. His warmth, good humor, and generosity endeared him to everyone,
especially amateurs who approached him for answers to taxonomic questions
and were amazed at the ready accessibility of this professional botanist.
Heckard served the California Native Plant Society for many years
as a director, as corresponding secretary, and as a member of the
Rare Plant Advisory Committee, preparing the great bulk of the early
status reports on rare and endangered species, helping to write the
first-ever rare plant legislation, and collaborating in the preparation
of the now-famous Inventory of California's rare plants. In 1988 he
was made a fellow of that society in recognition of his numerous and
important contributions. He was elected a fellow of the California
Academy of Sciences in 1970. Aside from botany, Heckard's chief
interest in life was music and travel. He played piano regularly for
his own enjoyment and relaxation. He was a generous supporter of the
San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Ballet, Berkeley Repertory Theatre,
and numerous conservation organizations. Heckard was a scientist of
great integrity, whose research was both critical and constructive.
He was also a caring and unselfish individual, freely sharing what
he knew and working well with others. His wide knowledge, keen insight,
and thoughtful judgment were hallmarks of his invaluable biosystematic
contributions. Shortly before his death, Heckard and Silva narrowly
escaped from the firestorm that destroyed their home in the Oakland
Hills. Heckard repaid the generosity of his benefactor by bequeathing
most of his estate to the Jepson Herbarium."
The fact that he has only a single taxon named for him is no indication
of the tremendous contribution he made to California botany.
heck'neri: named for John Henry Heckner (1882-1938), who was born of Norwegian immigrant parents. He lived with his family in Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, where his father edited and printed a Methodist missionary publication. He was in Oregon by 1900 where he later farmed in Jackson County. He and a friend, Edgar Crawford, took a trip as apprentice and cabin-boy on the schooner E.B. Jackson, leaving Aberdeen, Washington, on January 23, 1902, reaching Sydney on March 28, and returned on August 3, 1902. While he was gone his mother died of typhoid fever. He collected Sedum heckneri in 1931 in Jackson County, Oregon, and Oreobroma heckneri, probably the same year, in Trinity County, California. He was a regular contributor to a number of flower magazines such as Horticulture in the 1930s. In the latter part of his life, he and his wife moved to Jacksonville, Oregon, where he established a nursery growing thousands of seedlings of native lilies and other bulbs. Sadly, one day he wife was taken to the hospital with a ruptured appendix and died. Heckner was distraught and sent a letter to the editor of the local paper, his last, saying that he planned to do away with himself and that it would be useless to look for his body which was found years later in the Siskiyou Mountains. A memorial article about him written in 1965 by his friend Lawrence Crocker of Medford, Oregon, includes this rather mysterious comment about his departure from Australia: “His departure from that country was sudden, and he indicated that certain authorities were interested in his return there.” His name is also on Lewisia heckneri.
Hedeo'ma: from the Greek hedus, "sweet," and osme,
"odor," an ancient name for a strongly aromatic mint. The genus Hedeoma was published by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in 1807.
Hed'era: the classical name for ivy, this was
supposedly the sacred plant of Bacchus, god of wine. The genus Hedera was published in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus.
hedera'cea: of or pertaining to ivy.
hederifo'lia: with leaves like those of ivy, genus Hedera.
Hedwig'ia: named for Johann (Johannes, Johannis) Hedwig (1730-1798), a distinguished German botanist considered
one of the best bryologists of the 18th century, sometimes called “the father of bryology.” He was an authority on the lower plants, especially mosses, and was professor of botany at the University of Leipzig from 1786. In 1801 he published a work which is often thought to be the beginning of bryology. He was born the son of a shoemaker in Brașov, Transylvania, a region in Romania, and grew up in poverty. He became facinated with mosses in early childhood and went on to study medicine at the University of Leipzig, and received his medical degree in 1759. The following is |
quoted from Wikipedia: “After receiving his degree, Hedwig worked as a physician for the next twenty years. When he was not granted a license to practice in Transylvania with his Leipzig degree, he worked as a general practitioner in Chemnitz. It was during this time when he first pursued botany as a hobby. He would routinely collect samples in the morning before work, then study his accumulation in the evening. He also was gifted a microscope and a small library, courtesy of Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber. Hedwig was very skilled at both microscopy and biological illustration. He was able to identify and illustrate moss antheridia, archegonia and male gametes. He directly observed the germination of spores and formation of the protonema. He was less successful with other sporophytes, being unable to determine the life cycles of ferns or fungi, but he did make useful observations on the algae Chara and Spirogyra and he made it clear that he was not the first to get new plants from sowing the spores of mosses, David Meese having done it before him. In 1781, he moved to Leipzig, where he worked as a doctor at the city hospital. It was here that he published his first major work, the two volume Fundamentum historiae naturalis muscorum frondosorum in 1782. In 1786, he was hired as an associate professor of medicine at the University of Leipzig. In 1789, he became a professor of botany and director of the botanical garden at the school. In April 1788, he was invited to be a fellow of the Royal Society.In 1790, he became a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 1792, he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. His chief work, Species muscorum frondosorum, was published posthumously in 1801. It describes nearly all the moss species then known, and is the starting point for nomenclature of all mosses, except for the Sphagnum group. Hedwig's personal herbarium was auctioned off in 1810, but it was largely acquired by the Botanical Garden of Geneva, where the collection is still located today.” His son was the botanist Romanus Adolf Hedwig, and his son-in-law was the philologist and historian Christian Daniel Beck, considered one of the most learned men of his time. Johann Hedwig died in Leipzig. The genus Hedwigia was published in his honor in 1804 by Ambroise Marie François Joseph Palisot de Beauvois.
Hedych'ium: from the Greek hedys, "sweet," and chion,
"snow," referring to the sweet-scented, white flowers. The genus Hedychium was published by Johann Gerhard Koenig in 1783.
Hedyo'tis: from Greek hedys, "sweet," and otos, "ear," in reference to the sweet-scented, ear-shaped leaves of some species. The genus was published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.
Hedypno'is: from the Greek words hedys and hedylos for "sweet" and pnoe for "breath," a name of Pliny's
for a kind of wild endive which may have had a sweet scent. The genus Hedypnois was published by Philip Miller in 1764.
heermann'ii: named for Dr. Adolphus Lewis Heermann (1821-1865), sometimes called 'Dolly the Great,' a US Army
physician, naturalist, ornithologist, explorer and plant collector on the Pacific Railroad Survey first under Lt. J.G. Parke and then under Robert S. Williamson in 1853. He was born in New Orleans, the oldest of five sons. After his father’s death in 1833, he was educated at an exclusive boy’s school in New Haven, CT, and then his mother moved to Baltimore. Adolphus and his brother Theodore continued their education on a trip to Europe around 1836. Adolphus Theodore returned to the United States in 1842. He traveled throughout the US collecting samples and cataloging |
various species of birds, fish, reptiles, and plants. Heermann’s kangaroo rat ( Dipodymys heermannii), endemic to California, was named for him, as was Heermann’s gull ( Larus heermannii), Heermann’s song sparrow ( Melospiza melodia heermani) and at least twelve species of plants. Many people have seen the above photo of him with a long beard and associate Heermann with the life of a mountain man, but according to an article entitled "Updating the Life and Death of A.L. Heermann" in the journal Cassinia, in reality he was a “well-educated and wealthy individual who dedicated his life to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and to collecting natural history material.” He apparently died in a hunting accident in Bexar County, Texas, stumbling while his rifle discharged and killed him. Wikipedia says: “From 1862 he was suffering from locomotor ataxia, a symptom of syphilis and when Henry Dresser visited San Antonio in 1863, he was able to meet Heermann and the two went riding together on collecting trips. Heermann's legs had to be strapped into the saddle of his horse so that he would not fall off. Theodore wrote to Dresser about the death of Adolphus stating that he had gone out collecting alone, when his gun accidentally went off killing him.” He sent many of his samples to specialists, mainly at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
heil'ii: named for Kenneth Del Heil (1941-2024), a botanist, teacher, outdoorsman, mountain climber, marathoner,
professor emeritus at San Juan College in Farmington, New Mexico, and curator of the herbarium there. He started working at San Juan College around 1980 and retired in 2011. Heil is responsible for founding the herbarium which stores about 65,000 samples of preserved plant specimens from New Mexico, and growing it into the third-largest in the state behind the University of New Mexico and New Mexico State University. The herbarium contains the largest collection of plant species samples for the Southern Ute, Ute Mountain Ute and Navajo Nation tribal lands. An obituary in |
the Farmington Daily Times presents this picture of him: “Ken was a brilliant, passionate, and dedicated botanist. He was able to retain thousands of scientific names, having a gift for plant identification. He contributed thousands of species to the plant collection at the San Juan College herbarium. Ken was a professor of Botany and Geology at San Juan College, where he inspired his students to learn, conveying knowledge through his love of science. He loved to teach in the field, taking field trips where students would learn through hands-on experience. He was a highly motivated author, conveying his knowledge through publishing a field guide on cacti for the Audubon Society and the highly detailed "Flora of the Four Corners Region" taxonomic book for botanists. He also produced several publications for the Native Plant Society. He won the Governor's Environmental Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award for New Mexico in 2016. Ken was a disciplined man and it was routine for him to wake at 4:30 AM, entering data for pressed plant specimens into a national native plant library. As part of his morning routine, he would walk with his dog and close buddy Shiloh. On his walks, he was often accompanied by loyal friends and neighbors. Ken had a deep love for nature and was an avid mountain climber, climbing all the mountains above 14,000 ft in Colorado. He also completed a marathon, where he topped Pikes Peak. He also claimed Mount Whitney in California, the highest mountain in the contiguous United States. He loved to present slide shows, telling stories of his journeys to his friends and families. He was married for 58 years, and had three sons (one of whom predeceased him) and seven grandchildren. (Photo credit: San Juan College)
heim'ii: named for Ernst Ludwig Heim (1747-1834), a popular German physician, naturalist and anatomist. He was
born in Solz, Thuringia, in east-central Germany, the son of a pastor. He studied in Halle in 1766 and was awarded a doctoral degree in 1772. He studied medicine, botany, astronomy, natural law and philosophy, and was appointed Stadtphysikus (government physician) in Spandau. He visited hospitals and examined public health across the Netherlands, France and England. In 1783 he moved to Berlin with his wife and daughter, and began practicing medicine, treating poor patients for free. He introduced smallpox vaccinations in Berlin in 1799 using cowpox inoculations based |
on Edward Jenner's work. He was unsuccessful in his treatment of Queen Luise of Prussia who died of an unidentified illness. He was a teacher of the young Alexander von Humboldt, went on botanical explorations with Karl Sigismund Kunth, and encouraged Christian Konrad Sprengel to take up botany. He died in Berlin.
heinemann'ii: named for an F. Heinemann, a 19th century German farmer and pharmacist employed by bryologists Karl Müller and Georg Ernst Ludwig Hampe as a plant collector at Grimsel in Switzerland in 1844. The moss taxon Andreaea heinemannii was published by Hampe and Müller.
hel'enae: named for Mt. St. Helena in eastern Sonoma County.
Helen'ium: said to be named by Linnaeus for
Helen of Troy, according to the legend that these flowers sprang up
from the ground where her tears were supposed to have fallen. The Greeks used this name for another plant and it was later reapplied by Linnaeus when he published the genus in 1753. Elecampane ( Inula helenium) was supposed to have been taken to Pharos by Helen of Troy.
Helianthel'la: a diminutive of Helianthus, thus "little Helianthus." The genus Helianthella was published by John Torrey and Asa Gray in 1842.
Helian'themum: from the Greek helios,
"sun," and anthemon, "flower," because
the flowers open only in the sun. The genus Helianthemum was published in 1754 by Philip Miller.
Helian'thus: derived from two Greek words helios, "sun," and anthos, "flower,"
in reference to the sunflower's supposed tendency to always turn toward
the sun. The genus Helianthus was published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.
Helichry'sum: helichrysos and helichrysum were Latin
names for the herb marigold, from Greek helisso, "to wind,
to turn around," and chrysos, "gold." The genus Helichrysum was published by Philip Miller in 1754.
Helio'meris: from the Greek helios, "sun," and meris,
"a part or portion," in apparent reference to the flowering
heads. The genus Heliomeris was published in 1848 by Thomas Nuttall.
helioscop'ia: Pliny the Elder's The Natural History (edited
by John Bostock) at the Online
Books Page contains the following: "A fourth kind of tithymalos
(the Euphorbia helioscopia of Linnæus) is known by the
additional name of 'helioscopios.' It has leaves like those of purslain,
and some four or five small branches standing out from the root, of
a red colour, half a foot in height, and full of juice. This plant
grows in the vicinity of towns: the seed is white, and pigeons are
remarkably fond of it. It receives its additional name of 'helioscopios'
from the fact that the heads of it turn with the sun. Taken in doses
of half an acetabulum, in oxymel, it carries off bile by stool: in
other respects it has the same properties as the characias, above-mentioned."
Also noted are comments by Antoine Laurent Apollinaire Fee that the
statement about pigeons is doubtful and that the assertion that the
heads turn with the sun has not been born out by 'modern' observations.
Derived from the Ancient Greek helios, "sun" and skopein, "to watch," thus "sunwatcher." The CABI Digital Library says "Helioscopia means to see or look out for the sun, and refers to its skyward gazing yellowish flowers. The taxon in California with this epithet is Euphorbia helioscopia. called sun spurge. Additional folk names include madwoman's milk (presumably referring to the toxic milky latex), wart spurge, summer spurge, umbrella milkweed, and wolf's-milk.
Heliotrop'ium: from the Greek helios,
"sun," and trope, "turning," thus meaning
"sun-turning," either a reference to the summer solstice
when the first described species bloomed, or to the turning of flowers
toward the sun, a characteristic of many species known as heliotropism.
The genus Heliotropium was published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 and is called heliotrope or turnsole.
Helip'terum: from the Greek helisso, "to wind, to turn
around," and pteron, "a wing or feather," in
reference to the plumed and feathery pappus. The genus Helipterum was published by Augustin Pyramus de Candolle in 1837.
helleborin'e: from the Greek helleboros, the name of a kind
of plant called the hellebore, a genus of some 15 species native mostly
to Europe and especially the Balkans. Despite the common names of
a couple of helleborine species, Christmas rose and Lenten rose, they
are actually in the buttercup family.
hel'leri/helleria'na named for Amos Arthur Heller (1867-1944), an American botanist who was one of the most prolific plant collectors of western North America from 1892 to 1940 and whose specimens are included in the herbarium of the California Academy of Sciences. Wikipedia provides the following information: He was born in Danville, Pennsylvania, and achieved a BA degree and a master’s degree in botany from Franklin & Marshall College. From 1896 to 1898, Heller was a professor of botany at the University of Minnesota, following which he worked for the next couple of years on the Vanderbilt Expedition to Puerto Rico under the auspices of the New York Botanical Garden. He joined the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco as a professor of botany starting in 1905. He and his wife, Emily Gertrude Heller, founded the botanical journal Muhlenbergia and Heller continued to edit that journal until 1915. While living in Los Gatos, California, south of San Francisco from 1904 to 1908, Heller collected extensively in central California. He also obtained an impressive collection from Puerto Rico. In 1913, Heller moved to Chico, California, and taught at the local high school, but continued to collect botanical specimens. His first herbarium of over 10,000 sheets is at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and his second herbarium and library is at the University of Washington, in Seattle. At the University of Washington, Heller's Puerto Rico plant collecting itineraries of 1900 and 1902–1903 with their utility for the historical study of endangered plants are housed. His wife frequently collaborated with him both in the collection of specimens as well as illustrating his numerous publications. He collected on Santa Catalina Island in 1908, and as a young man botanized and collected extensively in the southern Appalachians of North Carolina, including finding what came to be called Heller’s blazing star, Liatris helleri. His eldest daughter was Christine Albright Heller Bickett (Mrs. Albert T. Bickett, 1900-2000), remembered by the taxon Lupinus andersonii var. christinae, and his youngest daughter was Mildred Gertrude Heller (Mrs. Frank Pritchett, 1904-2000), remembered by the taxon Clarkia mildrediae.
Helminthothe'ca: from the Greek helminthos, "worm," and theke, "case or container," alluding possibly to the shape of the fruits. The genus Helminthotheca was published by Johann Gottfried Zinn in 1757.
helo'des: growing in marshes.
Hemerocal'lis: from the Greek hemera,
"day," and kallos, "beauty," thus meaning
"beauty for a day," in reference to the fact that the blooms
last only a single day. The genus Hemerocallis was published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.
hemi-: Greek prefix meaning "half."
hemiendy'tus: from the Greek hemi, "half," and endyton,
"garment, dress," thus "half-dressed?" in possible
reference to the frequent absence of one (or both) bracts subtending
the flower.
Hemie'va: from Greek meaning half well, referring to the broad hypanthium according to one source. 'Ev-' is a prefix used before roots beginning with a vowel, meaning 'good, well, true, nice.' The genus Hemieva was published by Constantine Samuel Rafinesque in 1836. He was notorious for not explaining his names.
Hemito'mes: from the Greek hemi, "half," and tome,
"division, section" or "sterile, eunuch," or hemitomos, "cut in two,
a kind of cup," meaning "half
eunuch, for 1 anther sac thought to be sterile," or referring to the fact that often half of the anther (male) cells are sterile. The genus Hemitomes was published by Asa Gray in 1857.
Hemizonel'la: diminutive of Hemizonia, hence a small Hemizonia. The genus Hemizonella was published by Asa Gray in 1874.
Hemizo'nia: from hemi, "half,"
and zone, "a band or circular mark," in reference
to the phyllaries which half encircle the ray achenes. The genus Hemizonia was published by Augustin Pyramus de Candolle in 1836.
henderson'ii: named for Louis Fourniquet Henderson
(1853-1942), whom the Native Plant Society of Oregon has dubbed the
"Grand Old Man of Northwest Botany." Henderson was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, the grandson of US Senator John Henderson of Mississippi, and he lived through
the Civil War in that state. His lawyer father was murdered in New
Orleans during the reconstruction period. Louis studied languages and botany at Cornell
and traveled west in 1874, moving to Portland three years later to
take a teaching position at Portland High School. It was then that he began his serious botanizing
in Washington and Oregon. He became one of the first botany professors at the University of Idaho in 1893 and remained there until 1908. In 1906 his herbarium
was destroyed by a fire, resulting in the loss of some 85,000 specimens.
He became curator of the herbarium of the University of Oregon sometime
around 1924, a position which he held for 15 years. In 1883 he married fellow teacher Kate Robinson and the couple had two children. He died in a Puyallup nursing home on June 14, 1942, at the age of 88. Mount Henderson in the Olympic Mountains is named after him, as well as Agrostis hendersonii, Angelica hendersonii, Carex hendersonii, Cryptantha hendersonii, Erythronium hendersonii, Horkelia hendersonii, Lomatium hendersonii, Petrophytum hendersonii, Phlox hendersonii, Primula hendersonii, Sidalcea hendersonii, and Triteleia hendersonii.
Hennediel'la: named for Roger Hennedy (1809-1876), a Scottish botanist, plant collector and author of The Clydes-
dale Flora. He was born of Scottish parentage in Carrickfergus near Belfast in Northern Ireland, the family name being originally Kennedy. He lived with his grandfather from the age of two and helped him in his local store. He then became apprenticed as a block cutter to a local calico printer, but due to a 'tyrannical master' ran away to Scotland to complete his apprenticeship. After a brief stint with the Customs Service in Liverpool, he joined a firm of muslin printers. As lithography supplanted block printing in the textile industry, Hennedy readily adapted to the change and |
became very skilled in the new process. Many of his patterns were floral designs and it was this that triggered his interest in plants. His study of botany came to consume all his spare time, and he taught a small evening class in botany and started lecturing at the Mechanics’ Institute. He joined the Natural History Society of Glasgow within a few days of its founding and participated in the election of their first honorary president, John Scouler. In 1863 he was appointed professor of botany at Anderson’s University, a post he held until his death in 1876. He became closely associated with the famous war artist William 'Crimea' Simpson, Hugh MacDonald, author of Rambles Around Glasgow and a fellow apprentice block cutter, and George Arnott Walker Arnott, Regius professor of botany, University of Glasgow. During the Crimean War Simpson corresponded with both Hennedy and MacDonald, and Hennedy’s herbarium contains a specimen of a Linum that was collected from the so-called 'Valley of Death' in 1854. He became enamored of diatoms and became quite an authority in that field. The eminent phycologist William Henry Harvey named an Australian genus of Rhodophyta in his name, Hennedya, as well as a species first found off the Isle of Cumbrae, Actinococcus hennedyi, the valid name of which is now said to be Haemescharia hennedyi. His interest in mosses also resulted in his name being chosen by Jean Édouard Gabriel Narcisse Paris in 1896 for the genus Henediella. Although he became a fairly significant person in the botanical field, he continued in the textile industry for almost the whole of his life. He was married and had five children, and died in Bothwell near Glasgow. The genus Henediella was published by Samuel Élisée von Bridel in 1923. (Photo credit: The Friends of Glasgow Necropolis)
henrya'na: named for Joseph Kaye Henry (1866-1930), a Canadian botanist, high school teacher and professor of
English at the University of British Columbia. He was born in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, and went to school at Pictou Academy. He then obtained a bachelor of arts degree from Dalhousie University in 1889. He registered as a student in McGill University’s Faculty of Applied Science, although he did not complete his courses to obtain a degree. He moved to Vancouver in 1894 and joined the staff of Vancouver High School. English was his academic field of study, but botany had become an absorbing second interest even before he left Nova Scotia. The flora of the Vancouver region |
attracted him immediately, and hiking and climbing expeditions soon extended his interest and knowledge to a wider area. Through the years his herbarium grew from hundreds to thousands of specimens; they and his voluminous and meticulous notes would later become the sources from which his Flora of Southern British Columbia and Vancouver Island was compiled and published in 1915. He joined the first staff of the University of British Columbia. Due to failing health he retired from the university in 1921. Much of this information, and the following quote, came from his nephew Dr. W. Kaye Lamb, and was included in the October, 1982 Bulletin of the Canadian Botanical Association: "I was always struck by my uncle's modesty and his total lack of any craving for personal publicity. To the best of my knowledge, he never wrote a scientific paper or gave an address on a botanical subject. Professionally, he was a teacher of English; in the field of botany he regarded himself as an enthusiastic and knowledgeable amateur. It is worth noting that the Flora was written with other amateurs specifically in mind." He was the earliest botanist in British Columbia to publish on the hybridity of roses. He died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 63. The taxon in the California flora with this epithet is Rosa X henryana. (Photo credit: WestEndVancouver)
hepaticoid'eum: having the form or appearance
of Hepatica, the liverwort.
heracleo'ides: like genus Heracleum.
Herac'leum: many sources say that this epithet was named for the Greek mythological son of Zeus Heracles or Hercules, either because
he was supposed to have used it first for medicine, or because he
was a mortal of great size and strength, which relates to the large
stature of some of its ssp. The epithet Panax heracleum was used by Dioscorides, and that use of 'heracleum' may well have referred to Hercules, but David Hollombe says "when Linnaeus used it as a generic name in Hortus Cliffortianus he stated that it was named for the physician Heraclides, son of Hippocrates I and father of Hippocrates II." Heraclides lived probably sometime in the 5th century BCE. His son was Hippocrates of Kos, aka Hippocrates II (c.460-c.370 BC), who is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine and sometimes called the Father of Medicine. It's difficult to research a name like Heraclides because in that long distant past it was not an uncommon name and there were several physicians with that name. The genus Heracleum was published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.
herba'cea: herbaceous, not woody.
herbert'i: named for Herbert John Webber (1864-1946), an American plant physiologist, professor emeritus of sub-
tropical horticulture at the University of California, first director of the University of California Citrus Experiment Station, and the third curator of the University of California Citrus Variety Collection. He was born in Lawton, Michigan, and in 1867 his family moved west to Marshall- town, Iowa, where they would remain before moving on to Lincoln, Nebraska in 1883. He attended the Willow Hill School and the Albion Seminary for his primary education and entered the University of Nebraska in 1883, where he came under the influence of the botanist Dr. Charles |
Bessey who led him into a career in botany. He received a BS degree in 1889 and a master’s in 1890, both from the University of Nebraska. In 1900 he was awarded a PhD from Washington University in St. Louis. He began working for the USDA in 1892 investigating orange diseases in Florida and until 1907 had charge of plant-breeding investigations. The following is quoted from Wikipedia: “In 1907 Webber, then considered the ‘most notable plant breeder and botanist in the USDA,’ was hired by Liberty Hyde Bailey, dean of Cornell University's New York State College of Agriculture, to serve as professor of experimental plant biology and director of the school’s Department of Plant Breeding. Bailey often left Webber in charge of the college while Bailey participated in conferences away from Ithaca before appointing Webber as acting dean in 1910. While at Cornell Webber stressed biological research with particular focus on both genetics and breeding. In 1912 Webber went to the University of California to be director of the Citrus Experiment Station, dean of the Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture, and professor of plant breeding. Webber was one of the advocates in 1913 of keeping the station in Riverside rather than relocating the facility to the San Fernando Valley. In 1915 Webber joined the California Avocado Society, serving as director twice and president once. He retired as director of the Experiment Station in 1929 and retired from teaching in 1936. Webber [was] a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Botanical Society, the American Society of Naturalists, the Society of Horticultural Science, the American Genetic Association, and the Ecological Society of America. Webber coined the word ‘clone’ in 1903 and was the first to use it to describe a colony of organisms derived asexually from a single progenitor. Webber wrote some 263 publications. He was a contributor and worked on the editorial board of The Citrus Industry. The book has been called the 'bible of citrus growers.' He was awarded a doctor of agriculture degree from University of Nebraska in 1913 and a doctor of laws degree from the University of California in 1943.” And a University of California in Memoriam article says: “Dr. Webber's published papers comprise a list of 263 entries, and cover the period 1888 to 1946. Many fields of interest attracted his attention with a definite concentration, in his later years, on aspects of subtropical horticulture. His researches in the field of citriculture were brought together in several monographs which appeared as separate chapters in Volumes I and II of The Citrus Industry of which he was co-editor. Contributing to the knowledge and the production of many crop plants, Dr. Webber worked in Florida on citrus, pineapples, and guavas; in Washington, D.C., on cotton, citrus, tobacco, corn, and cowpeas; in New York, on oats, timothy hay, peppers, and Irish potatoes; and in California, on citrus, avocados, dates, lemon guavas, and feijoas.”
Her'bertus: named for Thomas Herbert (1656-1733), 8th Earl of Pembroke and 5th Earl of Montgomery. He was
educated at Tonbridge School in Kent. Both of his brothers having died without a male heir, he succeeded to the earldoms in 1683 and was made Lord-lieutenant of Wiltshire, but fell into disfavor with James II amd was dismissed in 1687. James II was overthrown in 1688 and Herbert supported William of Orange, becoming First Lord of the Admiralty at the age of 34. In 1692 he served as Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal and retained that position until 1699. In 1697 he also was appointed first plenipotentiary of Great Britain at the congress of Ryswick which ended the 1689-97 Nine |
Years War between France and the Grand Alliance of England, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire and the Dutch Republic. Other positions which he held included lord president of the council (1699-1708), viceroy of Ireland (1707-1708), and lords justice (seven times). He was president of the Royal Society in 1689-1690. He was a commissioner to negotiate union with Scotland and was sword-bearer at five coronations and a keen patron of the arts. He was married three times and had thirteen children. He is buried in Salisbury Cathedral. The genus Herbertus was published by Samuel Frederick Gray in 1821.
Herissan'tia: named for Louis Antoine Prosper Hérissant (1745-1769),
a French physician, naturalist and poet, author of Eloge Historique
de J. Gonthier dAndernach, Medecin ordinaire de Francoisi (1765),
a biography of teacher and professor of medicine Guenther von Andernach.
He was also the author in 1771 of Bibliothèque physique de la France, or List of all the works, both printed and manuscript, which deal with the natural history of this kingdom. The genus Herissantia was published in 1788 by Friedrich Kasimir Medikus.
hermann'ii: named for Paul Hermann (1646-1695), a German physician and botanist born in Halle. The following is from Wikipedia: “Hermann studied theology and medicine in Wittenberg and botany in Leipzig. After graduating from Europe's finest medical school, Padua in 1670, he was then engaged by the Dutch East India Company and went to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) as a ship's medical officer. He was in their employ from 1672 to 1677. During his stay there, he made a scientific collection of this island's plants and other organisms. He was then offered the job at Leiden and took up the chair of botany at the University of Leiden in 1679 and took up his residence in 1680 at Leiden where he spent the rest of his professional life. He immediately set to making it the finest botanical garden in Europe. Hermann's Paradisus batavus, a description of the plants of the Leiden University Botanical Garden, was published three years after his death in 1698 and edited by William Sherard. Another source describes the book as "a botanical reference work written in Latin by Paul Hermann and William Sherard. It describes in detail the flowers, fruits, trees, and herbs of the Batavian region of the Netherlands. It is a fantastic resource for botanists and anyone interested in the flora of the Netherlands." There was a second edition published in 1705, and it was recently reprinted in 2023. Sherard edited his notes and solicited patronage for the publication of this important book. They were students together of Tournefort in Paris in 1688. This is where Hermann perfected his botanical draughtsmanship. Later Sherard collected more of his notes and produced a catalog published as Musaeum Zeylanicum (1717, 2nd edn.: 1727). Hermann's original Ceylon collection was used by Carl Linnaeus when he wrote his Flora Zeylanica (1747) and Species plantarum (1753), using the abbreviation 'Hermann herb.' in those publications. After Hermann's collections had passed through many hands, they were eventually purchased by Sir Joseph Banks. Now they are kept at the Natural History Museum in London. Hermann was a very good botanical illustrator and had an excellent botanical grasp as declared by Linnaeus himself.” Paul Hermann died in Leiden.
hermaphrodit'ica: having both male and female reproductive organs, from Greek hermaphroditos, "a person partaking of the attributes of both sexes."
Hermid'ium: a diminutive form of the name of the Greek god Hermes,
and a genus placed by Jepson in Mirabilis. The genus Hermidium was published by Sereno Watson in 1871.
Herniar'ia: from the Latin hernia,
"to rupture," in past times called rupturewort or burstwort,
and a plant that was supposedly effective for the treatment of hernias.
The genus Herniaria was published by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.
herriot'ii: named for William Herriot (1870-1930), a naturalist and active member of the Waterloo, Ontario, Historical Society who was a skilled machinist employed at Goldie and McCulloch in Galt, Ontario, for 45 years. He wrote numerous articles for the Ontario Natural Science Bulletin, including "The Compositae of Galt, Ontario and vicinity," "The Crowfoot and Poppy families and their allies around Galt, Ontario," "The Cyperaceae of the vicinity of Galt," "The Ericaceae and Orchidaceae in the vicinity of Galt, Ontario," "The Grasses of Galt, Ontario and vicinity," "The Rosaceae and Leguminosae of Galt, Ontario and vicinity," and "The Trees of Waterloo County." He was recognized as a skilled naturalist and accompanied John Macoun on a botanical exploration of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway [now Canadian National] route from Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, to Edmonton, Alberta. He established a private herbarium which eventually included about 1,500 specimens. He also exchanged specimens with some other naturalists, including Robert Campbell.
herron'ii: named for Otho Marcenas Cavalier Herron (1806-1837). The taxon here, Euphorbia herronii, was named by John Riddell for his friend Herron, a student of the natural sciences.
Herzogiel'la: named for Theodor Karl Julius Herzog (1880-1961), a German botanist, bryologist and phytogeographer born in Freiburg im Breisgau. He grew up exploring the plant life especially mosses of his locality which was the Black Forest region. He published his first bryophyte work at the age of 18. He studied sciences in Freiburg and Zürich, obtaining his doctorate in 1903 from the University of Munich as a student of botanist Ludwig Radlkofer (1829-1927), and later studied at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich under the sponsorship of Carl Joseph Schröter. The period 1904 to 1912 included a series of botanical excrsions to Sardinia (1904 and 1906), Ceylon (1905 and 1908) and Bolivia (1907-1908 and 1910-1912). In 1920 he became an associate professor of botany at the University of Munich, and in 1925 succeeded Wilhelm Detmer at the University of Jena where he remained until 1948. He published Geographie der Moose in 1926. The genus Herzogiella was published by Viktor Ferdinand Brotherus in 1925.
hes'pera: from the Greek hesperos, "of or at evening, western, the west."
Hesper'evax: western Evax, from hesperos, "west,"
and the genus Evax. The genus Hesperevax was published by Asa Gray in 1868.
Hesperidan'thus: from the Greek hesperis, hesperidos,
"western, evening," and anthos, "flower."
A species which was originally in Streptanthus and Iodanthus was contained within a section of Thelypodium originally published
as Hesperidanthus and that species had some resemblance to
genus Hesperis. The genus Hesperidanthus was published by Per Axel Rydberg in 1907.
hesper'idis/Hesper'is: from the Greek hespera, "the evening,"
alluding to the time of the day when some of these flowers are most
one derivation is "of the west, of the evening" (since the sun sets in the west), but the ancient Greeks called Italy Hesperia, the land of the west."
Hesperocal'lis: from the Greek hesperos,
"of or at evening, western, the west," and kallos, "beauty," and translated
as "evening or western beauty" because the sun sets in the
west. J. Chris Pires in a 2004 Madroño article states that the genus was named in 1867 by Asa Gray who apparently thought there was a relationship between Hesperocallis and Hemerocallis, an eastern (hemisphere) genus, and gave it its name in 1868 to suggest that affinity.
Hesperochi'ron: from the Greek hesperos,
"evening or western" and Chiron, a Centaur supposedly
skilled in medicine. The genus Hesperochiron was published in 1871 by Sereno Watson.
Hesperoc'nide: from two Greek words hespero,
"west," and knide, "nettle." The genus Hesperocnide was published by John Torrey in 1857.
Hesperocyp'aris: Greek for 'western cypress.' The genus Hesperocyparis was published in 2009 by Jim A. Bartel and Robert A. Price.
Hesperoli'non: from the Greek hesperos,
"western," and linos, "flax." The genus Hesperolinon was published by John Kunkel Small in 1907.
Hesperome'con: from the Greek hesperos, "western, evening,"
and mekon, "poppy." The genus Hesperomecon was published in 1903 by Edward Lee Greene.
Hesperosti'pa: western Stipa. The genus Hesperostipa was published by Mary Elizabeth Barkworth in 1903.
Hesperoyuc'ca: from the Greek hespero, "western,"
and yucca, the yucca plant, or the plant like a yucca from
the west. The genus Hesperoyucca was published by John Gilbert Baker in 1892.
hes'seae: named for Vesta Florence Hesse (1901-1982). The following is
quoted from John Hunter Thomas's The History of Botanical Collecting
in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Central California (1961): "Vesta
F. Hesse is one of the most astute collectors who has ever dealt with
the local flora. The following is a brief account of her life which
she sent me in February 1959: 'I was born in Boulder Creek, California,
on Sept. 11, 1901, and graduated from the Boulder Creek Union High
School in 1920. I went to college at the University of California
in Berkeley, receiving an AB degree in 1924, and a secondary school
teacher's credential in 1925. I taught in the high school at Angels
Camp, Calaveras County, from 1925 to 1927, but was not a particularly
good teacher. Teaching was a strain and I thought (mistakenly, as
I know now) that it might be easier in another school. However, I
was not able to find another position at that time. After staying
a few years in Berkeley without finding any satisfactory employment,
I came back to Boulder Creek to live. Here I became curious about
various wild flowers, and in March 1938 bought a copy of Jepson's Manual of the Flowering Plants of California, so that I would
be able to look them up. I had a wonderful time that first year, and
identified some 500 species in this area, without paying much attention
to Gramineae and Cyperaceae. Since then I have studied plants from
all parts of California that were available to me, though the bulk
of my collecting has been done in the Santa Cruz Mountains, with emphasis
on the San Lorenzo Valley in Santa Cruz County.' Her specimens are
to be found in the herbaria at the California Academy of Sciences,
the University of California, and at Stanford University. Miss Hesse
has published the results of some of her explorations (Hesse, 1957,
1959). and others (for example, Howell, 1949; Lewis and Raven, 1960)
have reported upon some of her other finds. Her name is commemorated
in Calyptridium parryi Gray var. hesseae Thomas."
heteran'dra: with stamens or anthers of different forms or sizes.
Heteran'themis: from the Greek heteros "different, various"
and Anthemis, a genus in the Asteraceae which this taxon resembles,
thus meaning "other or different Anthemis." The genus Heteranthemis was published by Heinrich Wilhelm Schott in 1818.
Heteran'thera: with different anthers, in most species one anther
is different from the other two. The genus Heteranthera was published by Hipólito Ruiz López and José Antonio Pavón in 1794.
heteran'thus: diversely flowered.
heterochae'tus: from the Greek heteros, "different,"
and chaite, "long hair, mane" or from the New Latin chaete, "a bristle."
heterocar'pa: with variable fruit.
heterocar'pha: from the Greek heteros, "different,"
and karphos, "a chip of wood, splinter, nail."
heterochro'ma: of varying colors.
Heteroco'don: from the Greek heteros,
"different," and kodon, "bell," the plant
having campanulate flowers of two kinds. The genus Heterocodon was published by Thomas Nuttall in 1843.
heterodon'tum: variably toothed.
heterodox'a/heterodox'us: differing from the type of the genus.
Heterodra'ba: from the Greek for different Draba. The genus Heterodraba was published by Edward Lee Greene in 1885.
Hetero'meles: from the Greek heteros,
"different," and melon or malus, "apple," perhaps
suggesting a meaning such as "differing from related [species]
or [genera]." I have been unable to come up with a satisfactory explanation of this name other than to say that it clearly seems to relate genus Heteromeles with genus Malus, and refers in all likelihood to the fruits of these two genera which are pomes. FNA says "alluding to low stamen number," and another source says "in reference to its tiny, red, apple-like fruits." The genus Heteromeles was published by Max Joseph Roemer in 1847.
heteroneur'a: differently or variously nerved.
means that the leaves are different on the same plant.
Heteropo'gon: from the Greek for "differently or variously bearded,"
referring to the unequal awns on the spikelets. The genus Heteropogon was published by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in 1807.
heterorhyn'cha: from the Greek heteros, "different,"
and rhynchos, "a beak, snout."
heterosep'ala: with different sepals, in reference to the unequally-fused
heterosper'ma: with different seeds.
Heterothe'ca: derived from the Greek heteros,
"different," and theke, "box, case, cup, chest, container" from the
unlike achenes of the ray and disk florets. The genus Heterotheca was published in 1817 by Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini.
heterozy'gum: I had thought originally that this epithet derived from the Greek heteros,
"varying, different," and zygos, "a yoke, a joining." My supposition was that the 'yoke' is meant in the sense of a 'Y' where one thing produces two things, in this case the fruit that produces 50% aborted seeds, half good, half bad. However Tom Chester has consulted the original publication which shows that the name comes from the biological term "heterozygote: an individual having two different alleles of a particular gene or genes, and so giving rise to varying offspring." Tom presumes that "the evidence for it having two different alleles is the 50% seed abortion caused when the seed doesn't get the good copy."
Heu'chera: named for Johann Heinrich von Heucher (1677-1747), a professor of medicine and botanist at Wittenberg,
Germany. He was born in Vienna and moved with his family to Wittenberg when he was twelve where he was enrolled in the University of Wittenberg at that early age. He studied philosophy first, then medicine, and was educated extensively in the fields of zoology, minerology and geology, studied further at the Universities of Jena and Leipzig, and earned a master’s degree in 1694 and a doctorate in medicine in 1700, then became a professor of philosophy. He participated in the founding of the first botanical garden at the University of Wittenberg, and published the first list |
of plants there. He was appointed in 1713 to be the personal physician of King Augustus II the Strong of Poland and moved to Dresden. He reorganized museums there and created a building for a collection of natural history, was appointed general and special director of the scientific galleries, then became a professor of medicine at the University of Wittenberg. In 1729 he became a member of the Royal Society. A year before his death, in 1746, he sold his private library of about 4,000 volumes including many precious scientific texts to the royal library. He wrote works of some importance in the fields of anatomy, botany and mineralogy. The genus Heuchera was named in his honor in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus and is pronounced HOI-ker-a, not HEW-ker-a.
hewet'tii: named for Edgar Lee Hewett (1865-1946), an American anthropologist, archeologist and educator, born in Warren County, Illinois. Hewett’s mother’s family had befriended Chief Black Hawk and his Sauk band, and this was what first stirred young Edgar’s interest in and sympathy toward American indians. A reversal in the family’s fortunes led them to relocate to Hopkins, Missouri, where he attended high school. He graduated in 1886 from Tarkio College in Fairfax, Missouri, and began teaching in the rural schools of Missouri and Iowa. That same year he was appointed a professor of literature and history at Tarkio College. Although he briefly studied law, Hewett chose to remain in academics, and in 1889 accepted a school principal’s position in Fairfax and later was superintendent of schools at Florence, Colorado. He was married in 1891 and due to his wife’s health they started spending time in the warmer climate of northern New Mexico, where he was introduced to and became interested in native American communities, something that consumed most of the rest of his life. In 1894 he became a member of the faculty of the Colorado State Normal School in Greeley, Colorado (today the University of Northern Colorado), where he received a master's degree in 1893. In 1898 he became the first president of the newly founded New Mexico Normal School at Las Vegas (later New Mexico Normal University and now New Mexico Highlands University). He attended the University of Geneva and attained his doctorate in sociology in 1908. He had a major role in gaining passage of the Antiquities Act, a pioneering piece of legislation for the conservation movement, He was the founder and first director of the Museum of New Mexico and helped to establish San Ildefonso as a center for native American pottery. He also had a significant role in the formation of Bandelier National Monument and Chaco Culture National Historical Park, established to preserve extensive prehistoric ruins of the Pueblo people whom he studied. In 1907 the Archaeological Institute of America gave Hewett an additional platform, by establishing the School of American Archaeology, later the School of American Research, in Santa Fe. Hewett's friend Alice Fletcher, by then the doyenne of American archaeology, was one of the prime backers of the school; Hewett became its first director, a position he would hold until his death in 1946. He organized archaeology and anthropology departments at the University of New Mexico and University of Southern California. The UNM department, where Hewett spent much of the latter part of his life, would eventually become one of the world's best known. While at UNM, Hewett founded the Museum of Anthropology of the University of New Mexico, which would later become the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. In 1915 he was director of exhibits for the Panama-California Exposition in San Diego, responsible for assembling the central exhibit "The Story of Man through the Ages." This led in turn to his assuming directorship of the San Diego Museum of Man, which was created as a permanent institution from the exposition's collections established by Hewett. This museum survives today as one of the institutions in San Diego's Balboa Park district. In 1905 his first wife Cora died, and six years later he remarried a woman, Donizetta Jones, who was also to be a significant partner in his life, traveling extensively with him. He had no children, and died in Santa Fe. (Info from Wikipedia and American National Biography).
Heyder'ia: named for Privy Councilor Eduard Heyder (1808-1884), a cactus grower in Berlin associated with the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture. He was interested in agaves, cacti, palm trees, cycads, and other foliage plants. The genus Heyderia was published in his honor by Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link in 1833.
hexan'dra: with six stamens.
hexapet'ala: with six petals.